I know it's a long shot...

I know it's a long shot but I was hoping you guys could tell me what you thought my chances of getting into Princeton, Duke, Vanderbilt or Stanford are. Here are my stats:
GPA: 4.3
Class Rank: 1
ACT: 33 but it was only my second time taking it so I think i get it up to a 35 or 36
I live in a SMALL town in Alabama and have VERY limited access to AP classes but I've taken all I can and here's what I have:
AP Calculus: 5
AP Chemistry: 5
AP US History: 5
Next year I'm taking AP Biology, AP English, AP English Composition, and I'm taking classes at a community college (Calculus II, Physics, Anatomy and Physiology).
Clubs- I co-founded a Chemistry Club and founded an annual Spanish Club service project (I'm president of the Spanish Club). I am a member of Interact (a service club), Debate Club, and Student Government Association.
Volunteering- I volunteer in the ER room at a hospital and will be volunteering with the City Council all this summer. (I'm not sure how many hours I have exactly but it's enough to put on an application).
Other: I've participated in something called Youth Leadership Dothan and I'm pretty positive I will be participating in Boys and Girls State. I'm in all that Who's Who stuff too. Not that it really matters much. I think everyone gets into that.
O and I've been in every theatrical production my school has done since my freshman year.</p>

<p>I don't know I'm afraid that it's not focused enough- that it's just a laundry list of activities...what do you guys think??? Any suggestions? Should I get a job or run track or something?

<p>Depends what you’re going into…
but as of now, I think you are definetely going to get into at least one of those schools. Impressive AP scores, GPA, rank, ecs… everything.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s a long shot at all. They don’t blame you for not taking courses you weren’t offered, and it looks really good you challenged yourself with the courses they did.</p>

<p>Thanks so much. I want to go into pre-med and it kinda worries me that I got a B in AP Cal and AP Chem…</p>

<p>You look like a great applicant. You have a greater than average shot at all those schools, so go for it, kid.</p>

<p>Yeah you definitely have a shot. If you got your ACT up to 35 like you said you could, you would have a very good chance I think.</p>