<p>Prospective Major:
Computer Science</p>
Princeton University (I know its a reach, but look at my hooks)
NYU (The reach is really a question of the aid I can get)
George Washington University
Boston College
Wesleyan University
Carnegie Mellon
Fordham University
SUNY Binghamton/Buffalo
University of Rochester (safety because I already have $6,000 scholarship there)
Rensaeleer Polytechnic Institute (safety because I already have $15,000 scholarship there)</p>
<p>High school type: Public
Weighted Grade: Freshman: 98, Sophomore: 99, Junior 100
Class rank: School does not rank, but I figure I am within the top 10%
SAT I: 1300 (640 Math, 660 Verbal)
SAT IIs: Biology 700, Chemistry 670, US 730
Math IIC: 690<br>
Senior-year courses:
Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus BC w/ Lab
AP English Lit and Composition w/ Lab
AP Government and Politics
Honors Physics w/ Lab
Honors French 5
Physical Education
Senior Seminar
Previous APs and college courses:
AP Chemistry (3)
AP Computer Science (5)
AP US History (4)
AP Biology (4)
Cisco Academy</p>
3rd Most Philosophical Student in America
(I was a finalist in the National Philosophy Challenge. I submitted an essay on the question, Which is more powerful, fear or hope? I argued for fear and out of 7800 other applicants, my essay was chosen with three others. I was flown to Washington DC, to debate at the National Press Club. I was also interviewed by National Press Radio. I was named the third most philosophical student in America. If youd like to see my essay or hear my interview, google national philosophy slam.)</p>
<p>Saved the French Curriculum
(As the Superintendent would say, there would be no French curriculum without me. They were going to phase out the French class gradually. Just stop offering it and not replacing it with another language. I went to the local Board of Ed. and gave this big impassioned speech and it acted a rally cry for the rest of the people. He said the board really considered my testimony the swaying factor. This will be included in my recommendation from him.)</p>
<p>Classical Play Society (Founder, I approached the English director this year about a club that performs select scenes from plays in the English curriculum to help give the students a better understanding. The club acts separately from the drama club which I am also a part of)</p>
<p>Speech and Debate Class (Founder, I approached my English teacher with the idea in ninth grade and worked with her in forming the curriculum and gathering the support. There is now a Speech and Debate Class.)</p>
Drama Club Officer (3 years)
(The position is kind of like the drama club team captain. The officers do everything from picking the show to making the cast party, while dealing with all internal affairs)
Boys Select Chorus President (2 years)
Boy Scouts of America (8 years)
(Webmaster, Den Chief, Quartermaster, Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Troop Guide, Assistant Senior Patrol leader)
Computer Programming Squad (2 years)
(Team Captain for one year, weve taken 4th and 6th place in a regional Competition)
National Honor Society (2 years)
Tri M music Society (The Honor Society of Music) (2 years)
Philosophy Club (3 years)
Students Putting an End to Cancer organization (2 years)</p>
<p>Work Experience:
Technical Assistant to a Holistic Chiropractor
(I built his network, fixed his computer every time he broke it [which he did many times], filed, and kept maintenance on his systems)</p>
<p>Volunteer work: Cabaret Night Host (Event to raise money for VH1 Save the Music that I have been an integral part of my whole high school career)
Tutoring roughly once a week
Computer Science/ Cisco Academy Teachers Aid
(I sat in on my teachers Introduction to Computer Programming class and helped the students along, I also attended extra help to allow my teacher to balance his classes and help everyone.)
Boy Scouts of America service projects
(Too many to list, but Ive done everything from built farms to raise money.)
Senior Citizen Prom
Relay For Life
Cablevision Power to Learn Commercial
(you may of seen me on TV if you live in the Tri-State area, I am within the first 10 seconds of the commercial pointing at a computer screen with my Superintendent)</p>
<p>Summer Programs:
French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts (3 years)</p>
Gold Honor Roll all four years (GPA of 88 or above)
Boy Scouts of America Order of the Arrow
Xerox Award For Technological Advancement
Rensaeleer Award For Advancement in Math and Science
Presidential Award (having a GPA of 90 or above all of high school)
National Youth Leadership Conference
Congressional Leadership Conference</p>
<p>Im a really good writer and pretty personable in terms of the essay and an interview.</p>