I made many mistakes in the Common App

I applied to 4 schools when I realized I made mistakes. Here they are listed out:

  1. I forgot to self report my AP Exam scores – I ended up emailing 3 schools with them
  2. I put a quarter class as a full year class – I fixed this in the same email
  3. I put accelerated classes as advanced (not AP)
  4. I wrote down an honor but it was past the word limit so a word got cut
  5. I took an online AP CS course but I forgot to put it into additional information
  6. I didn’t put the college summer programs into the college courses section (but I put them in activities)

Will this harm my admissions? I know for some of them, the officer won’t know that they are missing, but would it have helped me if I had included them?

So some advice:

  1. Don’t sweat it too much simply because there isn’t really much you can do about it at this point. It is what it is.
  2. It shouldn’t be a deal-breaker, but sloppiness isn’t ideal. I would say that if you get denied somewhere, it probably won’t be because of this… so don’t catastrophize. But for the future…
  3. Be more careful and thorough for your next wave of applications. Go over your CommonApp at least 3 times to make sure everything is okay. Simple mistakes can easily be avoided with some careful reviewing. Make sure you have everything that you need in your application in the right place…



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