like an IDIOT, I for some reason underestimated the meaning of ‘language proficiency’, and jotted down that I could read and write in German (which I do study, but as I learned not enough to claim proficiency). I wanted to take it off after learning proficiency wasn’t so much ‘in the process of learning’ as it was ‘fluency or near fluency’. I am not comfortable saying I’m fluent, so I removed it from my applications… but upon double checking the submitted Common App applications, I saw that it did not remove German from my ‘proficiency’ list as I was so sure it did (might be my bad wifi, I live in the country). I know I’m not able to change my application now, but is there anything I can do to try and have it removed? Is there someone I can call and explain this to? I applied to Dartmouth and USC and I really don’t want a lie on my application because I misunderstood and the application wasn’t able to update.
Thank you, and again, I really do acknowledge the mistake on my part. It was unintentional and please know that I AM kicking myself over it.