I need a hug

<p>I need a hug,
not just because i'm nervous,
not just because I'm scared.
I need a hug,
because in just two days,
my future will change.
three thousand two hundred sixty-five minutes,
until the dreaded moment.
at this time, all I can do is pray.
pray that someone will provide me the support I need.
tears or laughters, everything in the futures bears a strange uncertainty.
at this time, lets take a moment and look at each other, because</p>

<p>I need a hug
and so do you all.</p>

<p>ok yea I suck at this.. but this my way of getting my thoughts out of my head. I've been a nervous wreck for the past weekend and writting this made me feel sooooo much better. anyways since i've already posted my crappy writting sample, anyone care to share theirs?</p>

<p>/end rant</p>

<p><em>hugs everyone</em> best of luck......</p>

<p>good luck all</p>

<p>ok through all the nervousness worrying hugging etc etc, ive finally concluded that every decision in life is irrevelent (or basically relevent beyond our control). THis meaning that whatever path we take, it has different ramifications that can be good or bad. Thus, in my false logic, ive concluded that it really doesnt matter if i make it or not. Mabe not making it will inspire me to be president in some odd way. who knows. </p>

<p>so basically, succumb to my false logic and give it a rest. youll either make it, or you wont. either way it doesnt matter.</p>

<p>I feel the same. I sometimes believe in faith, sometimes existentialism. Right now, I don't care for either. I know how you feel, because I am desperate to attend also. Im nervous, but I've thought it out late at night, many nights a week. And this thursday, will either give me a pass that I would die for or prolong whatever it takes to get where i want. I'm trying to not think about it but just know that there are other decisions, paths you can take- and maybe you'll end up at the same finishing line. I'm nervous as hell, i dont know how i manage to try to calm you because i myself cannot stop thinking about it</p>

<p>by the way, i'd like to read some of your writing samples</p>

<p>i didn't submit writing samples, but i did give them a link to a personal website i have where my photos and writing are located (although not a big archive)</p>

<p>Hmm...the faith vs. existentialism thing I can relate to.</p>

<p>Micheeatsfish, could I read some of your writings? I was considering sending writing samples but didn't. I kind of regret it now, but hopefully my essay will suffice.</p>

<p>man...at least u guys get to know at 5 pm!!--- I have to stay awake till midnight due to the time difference....well...mayb ill just wait till friday den....do ne of u know if dey actually post dem straight away at 5 pm?</p>

<p>Haha, sorry but I can't relate to most of the people on this board in times like this. To me, Columbia is a college that I would want to attend over all other colleges. That is it. It is not a person- it is a corporation. It won't really impact me in the sense that it won't prevent me or help me to get to my ultimate goal- only I can do that. I am not thinking about Columbia late into the night... the only thing I am worried about though is that I haven't done any other applications. Somehow I think everything will work out just fine, though. It always has.</p>

<p>I would like to also emphasize something I just said- about columbia not being a person. There is something really unhealthy about having an emotional attachment to a company/school/social institution. Maybe many of the posters are just insecure and anxious about their future, and they fantasize that if they get into Columbia, their attendance will equal happiness, endless intellectual adventure, and success... but the two do not actually corellate...</p>

<p><em>hug lynda</em> Everything will work out for the best. Right now it seems like it's do or die, but however things end, it wasn't an accident they ended the way they did :)</p>

<p>suburbamania, that was deep.</p>

<p>divonne--yea you can read some of my writing samples. they're not all that great though. just IM me--MichEatsFish</p>

<p>suburbamania-- i am in complete accordance with you. I, too believe its extremely unhealthy to be emotionally attached to something that is just an institution. The only reason I felt the way I did was because I didn't find any schools that I really want to attend but Columbia. The only thing that frightens me is spending four years at a place that I won't enjoy. Thats all.</p>

<p>"The only reason I felt the way I did was because I didn't find any schools that I really want to attend but Columbia. The only thing that frightens me is spending four years at a place that I won't enjoy. Thats all."</p>

<p>My point is that I don't see why the college you are attending - Northwestern or Binghamton, Berkeley or Cornell- has much to do with your happiness. You have to create that yourself in either place.</p>

<p>sigh... thanks celeb... less than 2 days to go. maybe after this is over, I'll feel stupid about this whole waiting process. I know I'll be happy at any school I want; espcially knowing that my backup school is still one of my top favorite schools. but knowing all that doesnt make me any less nervous about the next 2 days. its the watiing mentality thats getting to me.. not tha actual decision.</p>

<p>suburbanmania--i'm well aware that the school i will attend will not determine my happiness. I'm concerned but not as much as you're portraying it. All I'm saying is I care where i end up and the process in which i go through to find out where i end up is making me anxious. Really, thats all there is to it. I wouldn't try to read too much into it--i'm nervous about where i end up and i think everyone should be or are, or they would'nt be going through this entire process of applying and waiting.</p>

<p>"Everything will work out for the best. Right now it seems like it's do or die, but however things end, it wasn't an accident they ended the way they did" </p>

<p>celebrian25, nice post</p>

<p>my daughter was also tortured by the waiting, but the hardest part comes when you mail back your decisions!!! Good Luck!!!</p>

<p>micheeatsfish ---- lol...sure y not....at least itll keep me busy....but i dun use aol :(</p>

<p>---n to d discussion
...i dun think itll determine my happiness either....just wuld b nice to end up in a place like Columbia :D....wouldnt mind ending up in any of the colleges im applyin to...dun think ill b too bummed if i dun get in...i know ders dit other kid in my school who did ED too....hes so stressed out...if he doesnt get in hes got to change all his college plans....like apply to the UK n do the UCAS n all this stuff</p>

<p>screw hugs... i need some kisses!</p>

<p><em>hugs everyone</em> another day in school,, another day closer...</p>

<p>hug from alma mater steps</p>