I Need a Job

<p>I desperately need a job. I qualify for work study but was not awarded it this year, and I’m having trouble finding a job within walking distance of campus. I am not qualified for the jobs on the student jobs website. Do any of you know of any places where I should apply? Thanks!</p>

<p>one of my daughters friends made pretty good money delivering for pita pit.</p>

<p>my daughter makes really good money (at another school) as a waitress.</p>

<p>can you do tutoring?</p>

<p>Okay, first let us look at your options. How much money are you short? Is it for living expenses or just extras? Let’s see how you can economize until you get a job. Are you a freshmen? Is so, then most of your food is covered, we can show you how to “Shop” at the dining halls.</p>

<p>As for jobs, walk to Publix and the strip, ask to speak with each manager at each store and restaurant, and explain your situation calmly " Mr. XXX, I currently am a student at the university and I am in need of a job since my work study did not come through for this semester. I really need a job right away, here is a copy of my class schedule, I can work around these hours. Do you have any jobs available where I can start immediately." don’t speak to just any employee, ask for a manager or owner.</p>

<p>In the meantime, economize; don’t eat out, don’t go out, don’t buy coffee at a Starbucks. If you have not purchased all your textbooks, go speak to the professor of each class and explain your situation, ask if they have a textbook you can borrow for the semester. </p>

<p>If you are a freshman, then you have unlimited food…use the dining hills to shop (they want you to). Go in and take out a sandwich for lunch or a late night dinner. Take out a container of milk or two a day, take out fruit and cereal in a cup. Okay, you might have to stop in several times a day or week. Eat all your meals in the dining halls to save money.</p>

<p>Can you ask your parents or a relative for any help?</p>

<p>Please, Let us know how you are doing.
If worse comes to worse (and you are not on the freshman food plan) and you are not eating enough, please go to dining and ask for some free meals. They get donated meals from other students. Do not be shy. Also go to the nearest house of worship, they may be able to help you with food or clothing donations if you need those. Please reach out for help again if you need it.</p>

<p>I know some of my D’s friends work for Bama Dining and I am 99% sure that they are not work study kids. Just give the Bama Dining office a call. You can also check out the rec center.</p>

<p>Did you contact the UA tutoring center? You can tutor classes that you’ve done well in (including AP classes from high school). </p>

<p>Both Pita Pit and Jimmie John’s have delivery people. </p>

<p>Do you have a car? If not, then you are restricted to campus or jobs on The Strip.</p>

<p>Did you ask at Publix?</p>

<p>I wonder if Cold Stone will be hiring soon as the weather warms?</p>

<p>Try Moe’s</p>

<p>Newk’s is usually hiring at the beginning of each semester.</p>

<p>What kind of jobs have you had before?</p>

<p>My daughter worked at Bento last year when she didn’t have a car, so it must be close.</p>

<p>My D asked in her major department for a job and was hired as a student worker. She is a senior which helped because they knew her well. Many student jobs aren’t posted, so ask in areas were you have an interest.</p>

<p>Can you have a bike on campus to make it possible to work a little farther away from campus? My daughter is making very good money as a waitress at Logan’s.</p>

<p>Logan’s is pretty far from campus…definitely not biking distance (Tuscaloosa’s roads outside downtown and the UA campus area are definitely not bike-friendly).</p>

<p>Logan’s is way too far away w/o a car. It’s on Skyland. And since the student would be working nights, not having a car would be impossible.</p>

<p>Biking would also not be possible. On a rainy day or windy day, it would be too difficult. Biking that far at night would be too dangerous.</p>

<p>If the student does not have a car, then she needs to limt herself to The Strip or other very closeby areas. There will be rainy/windy days to contend with. And, nighttime walking.</p>

<p>When DD was in school, she worked at Domino’s - not delivery but inside, taking phone orders and preparing food. She worked a second part-time job at the tanning salon near Publix. She went in and talked to the managers face to face.</p>

<p>I worked occasionally for the food service at the time. There are certain functions where they need a lot of people for just an evening. Boyfriend and I (and several dozen other students) helped put together a couple of thousand box lunches for homecoming tailgate. Eventually I worked serving lunch or dinner at Board of Trustee meetings in Coleman Coliseum. There I learned to like bleu cheese dressing, asparagus, and broccoli with cheese sauce!
Ask the manager of your usual eating place.</p>

<p>Southlander, DH and I met working for the catering department at UVA in the 80s. You couldn’t hold a function on the grounds without using UVA catering so we saw lots of big wigs come through. We had the privilege of serving Jimmy Stewart at a film festival and President Bush (the father) and all 50 governors at a summit. Lots of fun.</p>