i need a LOT more practice..im not as smart as you guys...

<p>now im taking ap us history and ap chemistry,actually i understand the material...but i really need more practice.should i buy books like Barrons,PR for practice?or try to buy the released exams???(is the answer key included?)</p>

<p>I would recommend buying prep books like Barrons, PR, etc. I find them to be VERY helpful. Highly recommended. :slight_smile: Good Luck!</p>

<p>Practice exams are good, but they are kind of a rip off in terms of experience for the dollar. </p>

<p>I recommend Barron’s (in general, though for APUSH, definitely get [Amsco](<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1567656609?ie=UTF8&tag=asw09-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1567656609]Amsco[/url]”>http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1567656609?ie=UTF8&tag=asw09-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1567656609)</a>)</p>

<p>It’s a great review, and the MCs are actually “good” – gets you thinking about it .</p>

<p>They also have actual DBQs in there, as well as guides on writing the essays. </p>

<p>They also have lists of “key terms” as well as essay questions. </p>

<p>I’ve done an entire review on this book, check it out here: [AP</a> SAT Central: AMSCO’s “United States History - Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination”](<a href=“http://apsat.blogspot.com/2008/12/amscos-united-states-history-preparing.html]AP”>AP SAT Central: AMSCO's "United States History - Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination")</p>

<p>^^i like amsco,but the answer key is not included along the book???/</p>

<p>so,how to get the answer key?</p>

<p>google amsco asnwer keys and first link is
[Amsco</a> Answer Key](<a href=“http://teachers.ocps.net/hansens/APUSH%20Documents/Amsco%20Review%20Questions%20Answer%20Key.htm]Amsco”>http://teachers.ocps.net/hansens/APUSH%20Documents/Amsco%20Review%20Questions%20Answer%20Key.htm)</p>

<p>^^how about the practice test???</p>