<p>Alright ya'll, this gets complicated. </p>
<p>Just got my second SAT results back today from the June test. Improved from my first SAT which was the January one. Those scores were CR: 630, Math: 770, WR: 710 (9 essay) Total: 2110. Now, on the june test I got CR: 720 (totally revamped my strategy) Math: 760 and WR: 710 (8 essay) Total: 2190. So now superscored Im at a solid 2200. I am done with the SAT because in October I have to retake the subject tests on that date since I did not do well enough in may. (If youre wondering they were Math lvl 2: 640, US history: 660 and Spanish 670) I know these are red flags to colleges, especially the math lvl 2 since my SAT math is high. </p>
<p>In terms of the ACT, got a 32 in February (8 essay), 34 in April (9 essay) and I retook again in June (probably was unnecessary but hoping for a 35 or 36). </p>
<p>I am white, come from a middle class family, and Texas born and raised. In the IB program at my school. Ranked 18 out of 750ish. Weighted GPA: 4.41 Unweighted: 3.75 Plenty of extra-curriculars including varsity football, swim-team coach in summer, and NHS president. I want to go to a good business school for college and see if I can get a poly sci background there as well. These are the schools that I want to know if I can get into and which you think would be the best fit for me:
Rice U (I know not business strong, but love the atmosphere there and Houston)
UT-Austin (Auto-accepted there cuz of my class rank)
UPenn (Wharton would be awesomee)
Princeton (Interested in the Woodrow Wilson School, but might be a stretch for me)
Chance me! Which would be best?</p>
<p>Some questions I have:
1.) Should I submit all my tests, ACTs and SATs, to colleges? Idk about this because I feel like the ACT scores are more impressive but I still did well on the SAT and would like to show them off. Additionally, Rice and UPenn will accept just ACT and I wouldnt even have to stress about the subject tests which is why I need ya'lls advice.
2.) As you may have noticed, my essay scores are all only average. Idk why I dont do well on them but will this cause problems when they look at my app?
3.) Any other schools you would recommend to me? I'd love to hear about more!</p>
<p>Thx guys!</p>