<p>Howdy folks, I was just perusing the forum for the first time in a while and I decided to actually make my own advice post. I'd appreciate any advice or info on where I should go, what I could focus/major in, and what my chances are of acceptance. Also... random fun facts about countries and/or ancient civilizations ARE allowed.</p>
<p>About me: Caucasian male, 17, senior in high school from Topeka, KS. I attend a HS with 1700 or so total students. I'm 30th in my class, which is around the 93rd percentile or something.</p>
<p>I don't necessarily do a lot of ECs... well, I guess I do... kind of. Let's list them, shall we? </p>
<p>I work at Best Buy selling computers usually just over 20 hrs/wk. I've been doing that since may, and before that I was a cashier since october of oh-six. I should hit my employment anniversary as I'm sending apps in. I've also done some freelance web design for family/friend's busineses (should I include this in my apps?).</p>
<p>I've done model UN every year since eighth grade (eligibility) and loved every second of it. The last two years I've been apart of the overall best delegation, which is pretty good for a statewide comp. I'm going to apply to be Secretary General this year, and maybe I'll get to experience what it's like to run the show.</p>
<p>I've been apart of the school's Knowledge Master team every year possible as well, and we're pretty decent (4th-ish statewide). This is fun, but doesn't take much effort or time.</p>
<p>Academic Decathlon- I've done this for three years now. Basically, you read a bunch of lit about a certain era or region for several months and then take at least ten tests in one day to show how much you've learned. Decently fun, but it's way more work than one would presume.</p>
<p>Science Olympiad- participated for past two years. haven't done particularly well, but it's fun stuff.</p>
<p>Forensics/Debate: I've participated Freshman, Junior, and hopefully later this year as well. I started off in policy debate and now prefer Student Congress and other Forensics events. I really really enjoy this.</p>
<p>Ultimate Frisbee Club- Helped revitalize this dying club and recruit more members. It's probably the best workout anyone will ever get, especially if you're as competitive as I am and don't allow yourself to slack off, lol.</p>
<p>Math Club: I've been in it al four years of HS, and been Vice President the last two. it's a lot of fun, especially going to as many regional tourneys as we do. Again, i've never done spectacularly well, I usually will get some second or third place medals or buttons, but I definitely enjoy the experience.</p>
<p>My favorite: Robotics Club- This is a club I founded this year, really just to get funding. over the past few years, I've been working with a few other students and a local MIT alum to build a robot from an RC car that runs off of Java programming and can basically go from point A to B by talking to a handheld GPS unit. It's cool stuff, even though it's not quite functional yet. We also participate in a regional RC robot competition that's more about competiting and enjoying the engineering process. They give you a list of materials and a game and you have one month with your team to build a Remote Control bot that can score as many points as possible (last year you god points for hanging and retrieving laundry, lol). I've put a lot of work into this, and it's definitely the most enjoyable.</p>
<p>So there are those... :)</p>
<p>My unweighted GPA through 3 years is 3.8, weighted is 4.3. I'm a pretty good students, Mostly As with a few Bs (only one in a non-honors class). However, last year's AP Preparatory English class kind of sucked for me. As in, I got an N (our school doesn't believe in Ds, it just has ABCN). It was basically because I didn't get this essay turned in on time, and it was the teacher's last year there so I had no way to contact him after the year was done. I guess since I weighted until this year to ask the administration for his contact info it unwaveringly reverts to a fail. /cry). So yes, I have that scar, but it's all good. Everything else is relatively solid, and I've never really been much of a tool for grades. I'd much rather learn some cool things than cram all the time and get straight As.</p>
<p>As for test scores, I had a pretty bad day the day I took the SAT. I got a 2120, with horrible on math, but I'll bring that score up past 2200 easily next month. I took the ACT too, and did much better with a 35. I'm taking it a second time as well and I'm going to study/read some books this time so there's a chance I can push up to a 36.</p>
<p>The only thing I feel as though I'm lacking are awards and commendations. I'm not a part of any international academic or athletic teams, though I do play as much frisbee and intramural basketball as possible. I've been on the highest honor roll each year, and I'm a NM Semifinalist (Finalist probably, unless that fail kills my chances). Anyone have any ideas for me here? Is it bad to only have, like, two things or are there any 'filer' things that people will put in?</p>
<p>If I need to interview for schools, I think I can shine. I'm very very confident in who I am and how I look at the world. I try to live with a doctrine of conveniencing others, and I'd much rather do something nice for someone else that slightly benefit myself (yes, really). I really think I can have a good time in an interview setting with an intelligent, well-educated interviewer and can show them some intelligence and wit, but also some humility and modesty (even if you can't sense that modesty now, lol).</p>
<p>I've always thought with an engineering mind. My grandpa worked for NASA in the 60s. I LOVE math and calculus bc keeps my mind spinning. Programming and computers have always appealed to me, and I'm sure my future career will involve them. With that said, however, I have this other passion for politics and progressivism. I have a burning desire to do something big and bold with my life and a super secret, almost impossible goal of becoming president one day (and subsequently limiting the executive's powers, lol). My family insists that no one can get there without selling his or her soul, but I'd like to try. Because of this, I don't know exactly how I'll study in college. I'm thinking maybe a math major with a minor in political science (and if it's available, like at MIT, a dual degree in Comp. Sci). The natural junciton between civil interest and engineering is::: Civil Engineering, but I don't really think I'd enjoy that very much. Anyone have ideas for majors?</p>
<p>(Thanks for reading this long epic, btw) Here are the colleges I'm going to apply to, plus or minus a few. I'm basically thinking I have at least a decent app going for me, it just has a few blemishes. My app strategy is to apply to quite a few reach school that I think would be just stellar to go to and be around other BRILLIANT people and see which is silly enough to accept me. I think you'll see that I can't really find a school with a good combination of super strong science/math and great core/liberal arts classes. If anyone has any suggestions for that, PLEASE TELL ME. Anywho... Here's my list (with LOVELY commentary),:
Olin College of Engineering (Free!)
CalTech (Silicon Valley ftw)
Dartmouth (Great core education, plus Al Gore went there!)
MIT (HEaven on earth. Far and away my number one dream school)
Princeton (From what I've read and heard, really great education as well as the name factor for career placement or grad school)
Yale (Looks all around great)
Columbia (Good balance of engineering/core, plus it's in NYC and I'd like to be in or near a city)
Stanford (Silicon Valley plus the name factor = awesome)
Harvard (meh, someone advised me to apply)
Pomona College (Small, Silicon-y, Good education overall)
UChicago (Awesome overall education, closeish to home)
WashU (Close to home kinda, beautiful campus, great learning environment)
Cornell (Good engineering with solid core and lovely campus. Ivy name recognition. It seems to be more laid back than some Ivies)
Northwestern University (Awesome all around)
Grinnell College (Up and coming LAC where my sister goes and dominates. She's student body president and basically tells me that the school's endowment is so large they running out of things to fund, lol. Watch this school and it's alums in the next few years. I should get easy admittance and a great education close to home, plus my sister's successes should net me some connections and maybe financial assistance)
University of Kansas- (too close, huge, and party-centric, but I've always been a big local fan. They've got some nice honors programs and I'm kind of guaranteed free 4-year admission if I want it.)
UMich-Ann Arbor
UCal- Berkley (May be more of a stretch than to call it a fallback school)</p>
<p>Okay, what should I add to the list, what should I get rid of of. What should i study and what careers would I enjoy. Where do I havea solid chance of getting in and am I over- or underestimating myself. What more can I do to make myself standout and ensure that I let the admissions reps see my personality? </p>
<p>Honestly, the question(s) aren't THAT hard.</p>
<p>If you only reply to part of this, I'll still love you forever and ever.</p>
<p>:) Thanks! I'm going to go pass out now. Leave lots of reples for me.</p>