I need advice...

<p>In college I plan on being an English Major but I'm afraid that my Math score will keep me from getting into a great school. I've taken the SAT several times with similar results, this is my combined score... </p>

<p>780 - W
740 - CR
600 - M </p>

<p>Should I try taking the SAT again?</p>

<p>Other Info that will help you guys understand my situation:<br>
*3.98 Unweighted GPA (top 7%)<br>
*4.1 Weighted<br>
*20+ (A's) College Credits from Community College<br>
*Student Council Secretary - 1 year<br>
*Social Awareness Club Member - 2 years<br>
*Bosco Business Club - 1 year<br>
*Creative Writing Club - 1 year...next year I'll be the Secretary for the club
*Astronomy Club Treasurer - 1 year<br>
*Ethnicity: Mexican-American<br>
*I'd be Legacy at Harvard
*Member of NHS
*Member of PETA
*Next year I'll have 3-4 AP courses
*4 years of formal Computer Science training...</p>

<h1>3 years C++ w/MFC programming</h1>

<h1>1 semester of Visual Basic</h1>

<h1>1 year of HTML</h1>

<h1>1 year Javascript</h1>

<h1>1 year of Java</h1>

<h1>1 year of Database</h1>

<h1>1 semester of A+ Certification Prep</h1>


<p>umm...I guess no one has any advice?</p>

<p>It's the AM. Don't expect that much right now.</p>

<p>Take it again. Prep some more. The usual advice: 10 Real SATs, CB Official Study Guide to the New SAT, etc.</p>

<p>And remember to use the old scale more: 740 + 600 = 1340/1600.</p>

<p>the Math section is horrible...my score is exasperating.</p>

<p>If you've taken it a bunch of times and your math score doesn't change, then don't take it again unless you get a tutor for math and/or see major improvements in your practice tests. If you're going for an English major, your math score won't really matter that much. Did you check the average stats for the schools you're applying to? The rest of your stats are pretty impressive.</p>

<p>If "legacy at Harvard" means that is the "great school" you want to get into, then you need to get the math score in line with your other scores. I don't think the Admissions Office will discount the score because of your intended major. I don't think the Admissions Offices at most selective schools would. Prep some more and take it again, or look at schools where your application is likely to get more individual attention or where a 1340 is an above-average SAT score (which would include a lot of great schools). Good luck.</p>

<p>well, I'm looking at UC Berkeley, UCLA, Dartmouth, Cornell, Brown, Harvard, Pomona, Amherst...
I'm thinking of taking the ACT in September, maybe that will go well.</p>

<p>You are indeed aiming high, young vending machine! ;) Might want to put a few safeties on that list.
Good luck on the ACT!</p>