I need help from parents!

<p>have a good list of schools, but I would also like suggestions
LAC's or Unis</p>

<p>I want your help to get a list oft 10 schools?/(MATCHES)
Suggestions? LAC's, Unis Bio Major or Premed</p>

<p>CA Male AGE:16 Junior Semi competetic H.s</p>

<p>Freshmen Year</p>

<p>Health A/A
Honors Biology A/A
Spanish 2 A-/A-
Honors English 1 A/A
Honors World A/A
Honors Geometry A/A</p>


<p>Alg2/Trig B-/C+
Honors English 2 B/B
Spanish 3 A/A
Art 1 A/A
Honors Chem B/B
PE A/A</p>


<p>AP/IB English Lang A/A
AP/IB SL Computer Science A-/B
AP/IB Biology B/B
Spanish 4 B/B
AP/IB European B/A-
Precalculus B/B</p>

<p>Senior year</p>

<p>AP Physics
AP/IB English LIterature
AP/IB European
Ap/IB Biology
AP/IB Spanish 5
AP Stats
Theory of kNowlegde</p>


<p>Weighted: 3.975
UnWeighted: 3.625
UC GPA: 3.73</p>

<p>SAT I: Math 710 Crical Reading 610 Writing 590 Essay 11
SAT II: Lit 570 math II 650 US 610</p>

<p>AP Score
Biology 3
European 4
English Lang 4
Computer science 1</p>

<p>IB Scores
Math SL 6
Comp SL 4</p>

<p>Recs: I dont Know
Essays: Okay, cant say much because I will put time into them
EC's : Awesome. Well rounded 2 positions, sports, culture, charity, commservice, full IB diploma Candidtate, CAS, first genereation college.</p>


<p>Im looking for match and slight reach schools for a bio major </p>

<p>LAC's or Unis</p>

<p>A strong LAC in Biology/pre-med---located in Oregon: Willamette University. I heard about it from Stanford's med school.</p>

<p>What about those colleges that change lives? D received a card from them.</p>

It's time to sit down and do your homework rather than asking other people to do it for you. You obviously know what type of school you're interested in as you already made a list that was shooting a little too high. Now, take those same qualities and match them up with schools at which your stats are more closely aligned. I suggest going to Princeton Review, look up the schools you're currently interested and go to their list of "other schools to consider". The schools they list will usually be somewhat similar and will cover a range of selectivity. Their review map on that same page is a great tool for finding other schools you might like. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Where in the country would you like to go?</p>

<p>Here's a 2nd for Willamette, beautiful LAC, with great food.;)</p>

<p>Ask yourself what learning environment you want to be in. The advantage for Bio/chem majors at a small LAC is small class size and professor interaction. The disadvantage usually projects, bigger schools tend to get more. Their drawback is class size. </p>

<p>Start thinking about the fit of the school for how you wish to learn. Do well in your core classes, score high on the mcat, and your chances are good no matter where you attend. No body gets a free pass (unless daddy is a big contributor) into med school because of the college. Everything's got to be there.</p>

<p>Thanks guys.........I dropped a few of the too high reaches and kept some and added some haah! But I added a few more matches, but now i need to weed 5 out......mostly from the reach category and 1 from both the matches and the safteys.</p>


<p>John Hopkins
CAL Berkeley


Occidental College
Pitzer College</p>


<p>CSU San Luis Obispo
CSU Pomona

<p>Actually lets just take 4 out..................and from what I understand the CSU's will reply early enough so I can decide not to apply to UCR, my other saftey.</p>


<p>Pepperdine and Pitzer are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Visit both. Trust your gut and apply to 1.</p>

<p>Umm...I don't know how to say this nicely, but...DD was turned down at Oxy with higher GPA and scores. Cal Poly SLO may be a reach as well....how old are the admissions numbers you are looking at? You can safely assume anything on collegeboard or Princeton is useless as things seem to be getting exponentially more competitive. If you have time I'd focus on getting those SAT scores up into higher territory--SAT II's are less critical, but definitely do what you can to improve the SAT I's and if you have time try to do something about the SAT II's. I would also suggest you take the ACT as many do better on that test. </p>

<p>The other thing I notice is that although you say you want premed, your math and science grades are lower than your non-math science grades. This to me is a red flag as math/science only gets tougher in college. I'm not saying you should drop the idea of science, if you love it, it's just that most students who are successful premeds have a particular strength in math/science.</p>

<p>Look at the Western Tuition exchange...WICHE site...I'm thinking University of Oregon, Washington State U, U of Montana. If you want an LAC I'd look at U of Redlands maybe? Not sure about their premed strength. Willamette and Lewis and Clark are both getting a lot pickier lately.</p>

<p>You might have better luck applying in the midwest to places like Macalester, Grinnell and similar schools. You'd have the geographical diversity card. If you are male that helps too.</p>

<p>What about Whitman? What else do you want to do beside pre-med? (Ski, snow board, bike, debate, tennis????). Also, what are your politics/values? Some campuses are liberal, others, like Pepperdine, are much more traditional. University of Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran might also be of interest.</p>

<p>You're in the wrong forum. There actually is one called "College Search".</p>

<p>Your grades are great but they play only a part....study for SAT's and improve your reading and writing scores as they are weak. YOu can report at most schools your best scores from each section.
get tutoring.
make sure you have EC's and leadership.
start a club this year.</p>

<p>I just finish reading the insider's guide to 361 colleges. There are so many colleges out there, go get similar book and check out your SAT range compare to these colleges.</p>

<p>I forgot to mention this, did anybody suggest for you to take the ACT yet? Try that, it may help in this case.</p>