What are some matches LAC's or Unis?? CAlif res

<p>I have a good list of schools, but I would also like suggestions along with the chances, Thank You.</p>

<p>Suggestions? LAC's, Unis Bio Major or Premed</p>

<p>CA Male AGE:16 Junior Semi competetic H.s</p>

<p>Freshmen Year</p>

<p>Health A/A
Honors Biology A/A
Spanish 2 A-/A-
Honors English 1 A/A
Honors World A/A
Honors Geometry A/A</p>


<p>Alg2/Trig B-/C+
Honors English 2 B/B
Spanish 3 A/A
Art 1 A/A
Honors Chem B/B
PE A/A</p>


<p>AP/IB English Lang A/A
AP/IB SL Computer Science A-/B
AP/IB Biology B/B
Spanish 4 B/B
AP/IB European B/A-
Precalculus B/B</p>

<p>Senior year</p>

<p>AP Physics
AP/IB English LIterature
AP/IB European
Ap/IB Biology
AP/IB Spanish 5
AP Stats
Theory of kNowlegde</p>


<p>Weighted: 3.975
UnWeighted: 3.625
UC GPA: 3.73</p>

<p>SAT I: Math 710 Crical Reading 610 Writing 590 Essay 11
SAT II: Lit 570 math II 650 US 610</p>

<p>AP Score
Biology 3
European 4
English Lang 4
Computer science 1</p>

<p>IB Scores
Math SL 6
Comp SL 4</p>

<p>Recs: I dont Know
Essays: Okay, cant say much because I will put time into them
EC's : Awesome. Well rounded 2 positions, sports, culture, charity, commservice, full IB diploma Candidtate, CAS, first genereation college.</p>

<p>You should be in at all UCs below SD and maybe in at SD in a non science major, Pitzer (match), Occidental (match), CMC (reach), Mudd (reach), Whittier (safety), UOP (safety).</p>

<p>I find the 1st generation college to be a compelling hook. Your courseload seems pretty respectable, but its hard to say without a rank. What are your 2 well rounded positions?</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA: Reach
UCSD: Slight Reach-Reach
Pitzer: Match
Occidental: Match
Claremont McKenna: Reach
Harvey Mudd: Reach
UofP: Safety
Whittier: Super Safey</p>