I need my sanity back... Please help out!

<p>Okay, so like many other applicants, I’m extremely nervous when it comes to the decision results for Berkeley and UCLA within the next week or two. I’m an out-of-state student from GA and I don’t have the best test scores (1820 and 26), but I do have a perfect 4.0 UW GPA and a 4.31 UC GPA. But then again, so does MANY MANY other applicants. I’ve been accepted to UC Riverside (Chancellor’s Scholarship), UGA, UC Irvine, UC Davis (Provost Award), Pepperdine University, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Santa Barbara. I was feeling pretty good as I was nabbing several acceptances in a row, which surprised me (being out-of-state and all), but then I got waitlisted at UC San Diego. Now, I’m extremely nervous about UCLA and Berkeley (I really want to attend here). </p>

<p>My question here is that do any of you think I still have a decent chance at UCLA and Berkeley? I’m losing my mind over the waitlist, because I’m hoping it doesn’t foreshadow anything bad and my friend is trying her best to comfort me and calm my nerves down by telling me that the UCs are very unpredictable (she lives in CA and I live in GA). If you like to know anything else about me, like extracurriculars and personal statements, I’d be happy to obliged and share some info.</p>

<p>But I’m happy with any kind of comments or discussion!</p>

<p>truthfully, I am amazed that you got in with an 1820 and a 26…and even won top scholarships. you should be very happy with this. Are your EC’s intriguing ones?</p>


<p>Haha thanks! I’m just as surprised to be honest! </p>

<p>For the ECs that I put down (they only allow five), I mentioned the following:</p>

<li><p>JROTC (9th-12th): I was commissioned to a Cadet Lieutenant Colonel (second to the highest rank) and was promoted to the head of the S-2 Staff Section: Information and Current Affairs. My school has been around since 1902 and I am the first to have this position, so I was given the opportunity to develop its responsibilities and much more, so one of the things I did was revamped the school’s newsletter that was last published in 1991. I redesigned it and really made it my own. I’m also technically 5th in command of an entire brigade of 300+ cadets. Our JROTC program is also the best within our region.</p></li>
<li><p>Spanish Club (10th-12th): Our Spanish Club takes a trip down to St. Augustine every year and we have salsa dancing classes. This year, we upped the ante, and decided to help out an orphanage down in Mexico, as well as planned a traveling art show for our school. We also help plan out International Day at school.</p></li>
<li><p>Leo Club (11th-12th): I co-founded this club along with one of my friends. I was vice president and now a board member. It’s sponsored by Lions’ Club International and its purpose is to help find community service opportunities for us guys (all-boys school), since we have to meet a certain community service requirement to graduate. Lots of us aren’t really trying too hard in volunteering and this club has really helped some of them out, because we do everything together as a team, as brothers, so we all of have so much fun helping out the community! Also, this club is ran by Juniors, because it seemed to us that Seniors ran everything at school. We wanted to give opportunities for everyone to be a leader. But aside from all of this, I wrote the constitution and planned out the meetings.</p></li>
<li><p>Yearbook “The Sabre” Staff (11th-12th): I’m the Editor-in-Chief this year and I’ve been pretty upset with the past yearbooks, since we have such a rich history here at this school and every single year, all of the editors just simply reused the old templates. Yearbook isn’t an elective for us either, so it’s kinda just my adviser and I doing everything. Regardless! I completely redesigned all 240 pages of the yearbook by myself! </p></li>
<li><p>Math Team (12th): I was on a frenzy of starting new clubs, since my school puts a lot of emphasis on sports, so kids like me, who aren’t too athletic, don’t have much to do after school hours. So I decided to start up a Math Team, since it was one of the things that I enjoyed most back in middle school. </p></li>

<p>So those are my ECs! Not too impressive to be honest with you. A little bit on the generic side. But to be honest with you, the way I see ECs, it’s not just about being a leader or showing leadership, it’s also about making a leader out of someone and giving them the opportunity to explore and unlock their true potential. Maybe my volunteer service, class rigor, and personal statement made me stand out just a teensy bit… Who knows?</p>

<p>I think your chances at UCLA/Berkeley are very low. So there is not that much to pull your hair over. And even if you got in, you might have a hard time competing. So celebrate if you get in, but don’t worry if you don’t. The UCDavis Provost sounds like a really good deal for you.</p>

<p>OMG will you chillax. You got accepted into a ton of good schools.</p>

Well thanks for being blunt (no sarcasm intended) about UCLA & Berkeley. I was thinking of taking the UC Davis route if I don’t get into where I want to. </p>

Hahaha I guess so! I really should count my blessings.</p>

<p>What major did you apply for? That makes a difference in your chances.</p>

I applied to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Berkeley and Biochemistry at UCLA, as well as Neuroscience as my alternative major at UCLA. So… Thoughts?</p>

<p>You have a chance but it will be tough with your test scores. The UCs do love 4.0 us GPAs so that helps. Cal will like your ECs. </p>

<p>Check out UCB and UCLA’s academic profiles. They provide indepth data on GPA and test scores (REALLY in depth, in UCLA’s case). </p>

<p>Unfortunately, I think you have a less than average change of acceptance than the average applicant. The combination of perfect GPA and SAT seems to mean that your classes were too easy; it is crucial to UCs to have a difficult courseload. Also, the average SAT score for acceptances in those 2 were around 2100 for oos.</p>

<p>But-people with your stats HAVE been admitted, and a good number of them as well. I would just relax, as you have already gotten many offers already.
Feel lucky to have gotten into all your matches and safeties; some people are getting rejected by even those schools. If you don’t get accepted, then you can choose a wide array of decent schools, and if you do, well then, you got accepted to UCLA/UCB! so win-win</p>

<p>Oh yes, I should mention that 4.0 gpa students had a 70% acceptance rate at UCLA. Now I’m betting their SAT scores were considerably above average as well, but that is very encouraging. </p>

Here’s my course load throughout the years and I have the most APs ever taken at my school. We only offer 10 AP classes. AP Chemistry and Human Geography are new this year and conflicted with my schedule so I wasn’t able to take them. Here’s also my semester grades. </p>

<p>Lastly, my school does a placement system, so we do not get to sign up for classes. I’m sure you understand, but just in case for those who don’t, we get placed in classes based on teacher recommendations and our grades (i.e. College Preparatory World History VS Honors World History VS AP European History). Also, you have to certain requirements to take a class (i.e. an A for the Junior year in Honors Precalculus -> AP Calculus AB in Senior year). And some classes are only offered depending on your class (i.e. Sophomores: AP European History, Juniors: AP US History, AP English Language & Composition, etc.). </p>


<p>Freshman Year Course Load:

  • Biology I (A/A)
  • Computer Applications (-/A)
  • Euclidean Geometry (A/A)
  • Health and Fitness (A/A)
  • JROTC I (A/A)
  • Literature/Composition 9 (A/A)
  • Scripture/Human Sexuality (A/A)
  • Spanish I (A/A)
  • World Geography (A/-)</p>

<p>Sophomore Year Course Load:

  • AP European History (A/A)
  • Christian Morality (A/A)
  • General Physical Education (A/A)
  • Honors Algebra II (A/A)
  • Honors Chemistry (A/A)
  • JROTC II (A/A)
  • Spanish II (A/A)
  • Literature/Composition 10 (A/A)</p>

<p>Junior Year Course Load:

  • AP Environmental Science (A/A)
  • AP English Language & Composition (A/A)
  • AP US History (A/A)
  • Christian Life Choices (A/A)
  • Honors Spanish III (A/A)
  • Honors Advanced Algebra & Trigonometry (A/A)
  • Honors Physics (A/A)
  • JROTC III (A/A)</p>

<p>Senior Year Course Load:

  • AP Calculus AB (A/IP)
  • AP Biology (A/IP)
  • AP English Literature & Composition (A/IP)
  • AP Government & Politics (A/IP)
  • Honors Spanish IV (A/IP)
  • Dramatic Arts/Film/Video/Television (A/IP)
  • Visual Arts & Comprehensive Imagery (A/IP)
  • Church History & Comparative Religion (A/IP)
  • Economics/Business (A/-)</p>


<p>Whatever happens, happens. You already have a ton of great options :)</p>


<p>Great! </p>