I probably have no chances, but chances please!

<p>White male, decent Catholic HS
97.7 weighted GPA (don't have unweighted)
Top 5% of class of 675
Parents make about 100k if it matters</p>

<p>ACT: 35 (35, 35, 33, 36, 8/31)
Chem: 680, Math II: 720 (both of these kill me -_-)</p>

<p>No APs -_- just some honors each year. Senior year schedule:
AP Chem, AP Calc, AP Psych, Physics Honors, English, Religion, Gym/Health</p>

<p>EC's (they do, actually, take up a lot of time..)
- Tutoring 9-12, a lot of hours
- Greek Club 9-12, president
- Baseball (outside league) 9-10, team captain
- Intramural Softball 11-12, team captain
- Laboratory aide/assistant 10-12
- Math Team 9-11
- Greek Orthodox Youth Association (church youth group) 9-12, board member
- Boy Scouts 9-12, junior assistant scout master
- Worked as an office manager's assistant this summer as well as the rest of 12th grade
- A lot of in-school service like Open Houses, peer counseling, etc</p>

<p>NHS, Math NHS, Science Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society
I am on full tuition scholarship all 4 years at my high school</p>

<p>Essays are good
Letters of Recommendation will be very good from Honors Chem (11) teacher and Honors Calculus teacher, as well as my Guidance Counselor's which I know will be amazing</p>

<p>Looking for either a Chemistry or Chemical Engineering major</p>

<p>Do I stand any shot at these?
HYPMC, CMU, Columbia, UPenn</p>

<p>Does your school not offer ap’s before senior yr? Caz if not, then your chances take a major hit. Also, you should retake your SAT II’s. And what is your unweighted GPA? In regards to the top Ivys, your EC’s are a lil all over the place so that might also hinder you. I think your in at CMU. All the ivy’s are reaches for you, some less than others though. Consider going ED at one of them (i.e. UPenn) and your chances will go up.</p>

<p>My school does but I wasnt able to take any of them, bleh.</p>

<p>And what about UPenn and Yale where I only need to send my ACT scire? Chances up a little bit?</p>

<p>Top 5% without all the APs at a ‘decent’ parochial school and no stand out ECs? HYPMC and Columbia are very unlikely. Some shot at penn with a great app if you’re not from the mid Atlantic. CMU looks good</p>

<p>Without any AP’s and no ec’s demonstrating passion for chemistry, chances are quite poor except for Carnegie Mellon.</p>