<p>White male, decent Catholic HS
97.7 weighted GPA (don't have unweighted)
Top 5% of class of 675
Parents make about 100k if it matters</p>
<p>ACT: 35 (35, 35, 33, 36, 8/31)
Chem: 680, Math II: 720 (both of these kill me -_-)</p>
<p>No APs -_- just some honors each year. Senior year schedule:
AP Chem, AP Calc, AP Psych, Physics Honors, English, Religion, Gym/Health</p>
<p>EC's (they do, actually, take up a lot of time..)
- Tutoring 9-12, a lot of hours
- Greek Club 9-12, president
- Baseball (outside league) 9-10, team captain
- Intramural Softball 11-12, team captain
- Laboratory aide/assistant 10-12
- Math Team 9-11
- Greek Orthodox Youth Association (church youth group) 9-12, board member
- Boy Scouts 9-12, junior assistant scout master
- Worked as an office manager's assistant this summer as well as the rest of 12th grade
- A lot of in-school service like Open Houses, peer counseling, etc</p>
<p>NHS, Math NHS, Science Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society
I am on full tuition scholarship all 4 years at my high school</p>
<p>Essays are good
Letters of Recommendation will be very good from Honors Chem (11) teacher and Honors Calculus teacher, as well as my Guidance Counselor's which I know will be amazing</p>
<p>Looking for either a Chemistry or Chemical Engineering major</p>
<p>Do I stand any shot at these?
HYPMC, CMU, Columbia, UPenn</p>