I raised my S.A.T. hence a NEW chances thread?

gpa: 3.74 <93.5%>
SAT I: 2200
720 reading
740 math
740 math
SAT II: world history- 750 american history-800
RANK: top 6% of class
student tutor at school learning center 9,10,11,12
School varsity track team 10,11,12
School newspaper 11,12
Interact 11,12
Taught 5th grade ccd class 11,12
Summer job as camp counselor 11,12
Volunteer Cit at that camp 10,11
Photomedia club 11,12
various other volunteer and award things</p>

Cornell ED (cals- communications)
Boston College EA
Notre Dame EA
Georgetown EA
Boston University
Suny albany (safety, in-state)
University of Michigan (out of state)</p>

<p>I've gotten comments on the fact that i need another match, but if im rejected at all my matches and reaches Id love fordham so im set. thanks!</p>

<p>What do you think?????</p>

<p>yeah very likely, for all of them</p>

<p>Cornell rejected
BC accepted
Notre Dame accepted
Georgetown rejected
Uchicago not sure
Fordham accepted
NYU not sure
BU accepted
SUNY accepted
Umich accepted</p>

<p>If you've got great original essays, you'll probably get into Chicago. That Uncommon Application is a pain in the butt, however.</p>

<p>fifawcs, how is he going to get rejected from cornell?</p>

<p>His SAT's are above the average 50 percentile and te GPA doesnt look bad.</p>

<p>As a person who attends a school about 20 minutes from cornell (and cornell is very popular amongst my classmates ever years), I say that you will get accepted into all. Cornell will be very unlikely to place you on their waitlist.</p>

<p>Cornell is very hard to get into. A lot of people think it is easy only because they accept more than any other ivy. But they are in fact very selective.</p>

<p>Ya, I know. Every year there's tons of people applying from my school. It's a consensus now within my school regarding applying to cornell.</p>

<p>2200 is good enough for the school. No students from my school (ever in 4 years that I know of) have been rrejected with that score.. Either that or my school's competitive? I dont think colleges look at high school rankings though....</p>

<p>Maybe because you live in upstate new york, a 2200 is considered very above average for a cornell applicant.</p>

<p>Ace, don't ask anyone else for chances, they're most likely to turn you down anyway. Just apply and see what happens. To me, you have really nice stats, and your GPA would compensate if you're taking higher level classes.</p>

<p>Wow, they let you take a math section twice instead of writing? Lucky you ;)</p>

<p>Haha. </p>

<p>1 tink dat hey haxxored t3h SAT.</p>

<p>Haxx0r my next SAT pweez k? My wants t3h mat instead of whytink.</p>

<p>Whytink iz gey.</p>

<p>lol spets, i mean i got a 740 in writing and a 740 in math (obviously) and i definitely wouldnt consider myself lucky in taking the math section twice. thanks for the help everyone, anyone else?</p>


<p>bump,, sorry please?</p>


<p>personally, i think u'll get into cornell, ive seen people with lots weaker stats whove gotten in. but my question is this...i thought u couldnt apply to georgetown ea if u were applying somewhere ed? like i thought their policy was that u couldnt apply for a binding aggreement with another school....? i could've read it wrong, which would **** me off a great deall... thanx</p>

<p>oh yea im not applying to georgetown i decided</p>

<p>Im going to replace it with John Hopkins RD
good luck nanaijuh</p>

<p>does EA increase chances at all?</p>

<p>what are you talking about? lol</p>