<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>After almost throwing my SAT review book out of a 5 story window today (not kidding). I have just accepted the fact that I need to work on the Verbal portion of the SAT. More particularly "Sentence Completion", "Improving Sentences" and "Identifying Sentence Errors." These absolutely killed my PSAT score. Do you guys know of anything I can do to become better at these 3 topics? ex. Hire a tutor, online tools etc. </p>
<p>Anything will be greatly appreciated! Thank you! :)</p>
<p>Hm, I don’t know how you learn best, but I took a class and between that and tons of practice tests and studying the grammar section of the sat/PSAT books, my score went from 57 to about 70. Also, my kind of “secret trick” that really worked for me was reading the sentences outloud, which helped me pick where out the errors were a lot easier. So from about a 194 as a sophomore I’m getting about ~220 now!! Good luck :)</p>
<p>Thoe most difficult of those 3 sections to improve is the sentence completion, which involves quite simply knowing words. I recommend both the Direct Hits volumes for that.</p>
<p>You don’t reall need books for grammar. If you ask anyone they will tell you grammar is the easiest section to improve in. Just reading silverturtle’s guide boosted my writin score by about a 100 points. A few practice tests later, I only get 1 or 2 wrong in writing now.</p>
<p>@julieannab: Wow, that’s a huge improvement! I might take the SAT class that the College Board offers, I think it’s only $60. I am going to start hitting those SAT prep books tonight! Thank you
<p>@xthrillakillax: Where can I find silverturtle’s guide and the Direct Hit volumes? And thank you for the reply!</p>
<p>Thank you guys, you have made me feel a lot better about my situation! :)</p>
<p>Direct Hits:
<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/Direct-Hits-Core-Vocabulary-Edition/dp/1936551055/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1338146030&sr=8-1[/url]”>http://www.amazon.com/Direct-Hits-Core-Vocabulary-Edition/dp/1936551055/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1338146030&sr=8-1</a></p>
<p>[Amazon.com:</a> Direct Hits Toughest Vocabulary of the SAT 4th Edition (9781936551064): Direct Hits, Ted Griffith: Books](<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/Direct-Hits-Toughest-Vocabulary-Edition/dp/1936551063/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1338146030&sr=8-2]Amazon.com:”>http://www.amazon.com/Direct-Hits-Toughest-Vocabulary-Edition/dp/1936551063/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1338146030&sr=8-2)</p>
<p>It should cost $18-20 and between both the books, they have 430 words. Although 430 words are probably enough, if you feel like you haven’t done enough, there are plenty of SAT word lists online. If you want, you can also shell out even more money for other books but like I said, the Direct Hits books and online resources should be enough. </p>
<p>Silverturtles guide:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/955109-silverturtles-guide-sat-admissions-success.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/955109-silverturtles-guide-sat-admissions-success.html</a></p>
<p>This is probably one of the best, if not best, resources you can find. Some say it’s even better than official SAT prep books but I’ll leave that for you to decide. For the cost of $0, you would have to be insane not to use this guide. </p>
<p>Closing thoughts: I know the SAT can be frustrating especially when your score plateau’s and won’t budge. You just have to keep practicing and learn why you made the mistakes. Taking tons of practice tests won’t do you any good if you don’t review your answers (even the ones you got right!). For example, I hovered around 2150-2200 for the longest time, mainly because I couldn’t break 700 in critical reading. Just recently, I felt like something just suddenly clicked and I began to score 700+ in CR and 2200+ overall consistently. Anyway, best of luck in your own endeavors.</p>
<p>I agree with you xthrillakillax… The Sliverturtles strategy for the CR helped me do a lot better on the passages. It really works for me!!!</p>
<p>@xthrillakillx: Awesome! I can’t thank you enough! I will start hitting that guide hard since I am taking the SAT on Saturday. Thank you! :)</p>
<p>@aashish1996: Awesome! Thank you guys for the great resources!</p>