<p>Hi everyone </p>
<p>I am an internetional student from HongKong.</p>
<p>To be honest, I didnt participate much in school when I was in HK but I got very high academic scores in Hk. I came to study in a community college in the U.S, and I was originally planning to major in Chemistry.</p>
<p>In teh first quarter, I studied German, Chemistry and Calculus,.</p>
<p>But as I immerse myself deeper in Chemistry, it stops to interest adn fasinate me.</p>
<p>And badly, I didnt work hard during the quarter and got 4.0 in Chemistry, 4.0 in Calculus, and a 2.0 in german, resulting a gerneral GPA of 3.38. I was totally shocked and miserable because i thought though I wasnt going to get a 4.0 in German I didnt expect the result to be so bad. I was lost and desperate. Before I came here, I aimed at schools like MIT, Cornell and some other good stuffs. I lost my passion and my hope of getting into those colleges faded immediately.</p>
<p>Desperately, I took Chemistry again in the next quater together with Introduction to Western philosophy and a Reading course. I know philosophy will be very very hard and my English isnt at that level but i still go for it anyway.</p>
<p>Losing my passions, I did bad in these subjects. Though I know this, nothing in my heart is urging me to do better and I just let myself completely going into astray.</p>
<p>But philosophy changes me. After a few classes, I started to think to myself that this isnt the end of your life and there's still a way to fight back, though it will be hard and tough.</p>
<p>I then do my best to save GPA in this quarter , and find myself interested in architecture.
I like to draw and create things when I was small, but I was told that artists will never be the top of the society by my grandparents so I didnt think of being an artist or so when i grow up.</p>
<p>I know that Cornell has always been at the top of architecture colleges, and it now becomes my target... But knowing that Mrs. Cornell is one of the ivys and at least you have a GPA of 3.9 something and an excelent resume, you can never step into the college.</p>
<p>But I want to ask, is there still hope?</p>