I sent my SAT scores 2 days late after the UC deadline, Is it okay?

I sent it using rush delivery too, please help

From Ms Sun’s UC blog:

SAT/ACT Score Submission
For SAT with Essay and ACT Plus Writing, you will need to send ONE official score report to ANY of the UC campuses to which you will apply. The scores are shared between the campuses and you do not need to send a separate score report to each UC campus. The score report must reach the UC campus before the end of December.

SAT/SAT Subject Score Delivery Timeline
College Board has indicated that all UC campuses receive the score report electronically and that the score report will arrive within 2 weeks from the date you make the request. If you have not yet requested your scores to be sent, I highly recommend that you make a request no later than Friday, December 9, 2016.

ACT Score Delivery Timeline
ACT has indicated that all UC campuses receive the score report electronically and delivery is completed within 2 days from the date you make the request, provided that your writing score is available. I highly recommend that you make a request no later than Friday, December 16, 2016.

Score Delivery for December Tests
If you are still deciding whether to take the December test(s), keep in mind that College Board and ACT appear to experience frequent delays in reporting the scores, especially in recent years. In addition, many UCs start reviewing applications in mid-December (Berkeley starts in mid-November) and applicants who have indicated planned December tests are often held for later review in January. How later review may affect your application is unclear (although I have heard one application reader say that applicants reviewed later may be at a disadvantage). Therefore, I would only recommend the December test(s) if you are confident you can improve your score(s) significantly.

If you plan to take the December test(s), you should list ONE UC campus as a score recipient when you register for the test (your registration fee includes FOUR reports) so the score(s) will be sent with the December batch of scores (fastest processing). For the SAT, you can update the score recipients by logging into your College Board account. You have until nine days after test day to make the change. For the ACT, you can update the score recipients by logging into your ACT Web Account. You have until Thursday noon, central time, immediately following the regularly scheduled Saturday test date to make the change.

Make sure you also log back into the UC Application and self-report the December scores when you receive them. Many UCs will review the application with self-reported scores (although official score reports are required for verification). Promptly self-reporting your December scores can expedite the review of your application.

  1. Did you take the December tests and did you indicate a UC campus for one of the free reports?
  2. When did you send your scores and why so late?
  3. If you they do not reach the UC’s by the deadline, then the “may not” be used for your application review. I would double check on your UC portals to make sure they are received.