I Struggle With a Subject - Should I Take the AP Course?

Hi. I am considering taking AP English or an AP course in a social studies class such as World Geography or World History. If I’m not amazing with English or any of the social studies subjects, should I take an AP course in them? I am a junior in high school and I have not taken any AP classes in either English or Social Studies. Would it look better on a college application to take AP classes in both English and a few social studies and get a B+, or would it look better to get an A+ in the regular classes?

Your English and Social Studies teachers should be able to help you here. If they think your writing is solid (the most important element for succeeding in English/HIstory AP’s, and if you don’t have a problem with large amounts of reading every week you should do fine. But if you need help with sentence structure, developing a theme or an argument, using citations correctly, AP’s are going to really throw you into the deep end of the pool.

Reach out to your teachers!!!


I’m confused…If you are getting A+s in regular English and social studies…how are you “struggling”? If you are getting such high grades, then you are likely fairly strong in these subjects and should do well in the AP courses. If you are getting all A+s, you are likely not challenging yourself enough - you should definitely step up the rigor, imo.


Oh, I guess you’re right. :exploding_head: But I don’t want to take APs in every class because that would probably stress me out too much. I’m already taking some other AP classes.

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Thank you!

Agree with @blossom. Work with your teacher and guidance counselor to determine the best placement for you.


You don’t have to - and more importantly you shouldn’t - take AP for every single class. Only take what you can handle, and most students can’t handle 6 or 7 APs at the same time. Strong student can usually handle maybe 3 or so, but it definitely varies. You want to challenge yourself, not overwhelm yourself. Have you taken any AP classes yet? How did you feel about the workload? What other classes are you taking? It is fine to take a mix of regular classes and AP classes. And with that I agree with others that you speak with your guidance counselor as well the teachers of subjects you think you might want to take an AP in.

A B+ in an AP class is great! Wouldn’t you already be enrolled in the AP class or are you planning for next year?

I wouldn’t let fear of getting a B stop me but I would consider your workload. In my
AP Lit class I’m currently annotating 3 novels at once, while I’m also memorizing lines for the play, finishing submitting college apps, and it’s football season (I’m a cheerleader). I probably bit off more than I can chew. Who needs sleep anyways?

Your teachers should guide you.

It’s ok to “stretch” out of your comfort zone - but guess what - AP or not, you can still go to college.

Talk with your teacher - and then make the best decision for you.

Good luck.


Well, that’s a long story. I fell literally two years behind in high school. Now, I’m doing online school because all of the other kids in public schools started in August. On the online schools, they are letting me choose and start my classes late. That’s awesome that you are challenging yourself in your classes! I believe that you make a difference in this world and that one day you will do something big. Don’t let anyone tell you different and always remember that if you believe that you can do it, you can. Your right, sleep is so overrated, I mean it’s hours of the day when we can do literally nothing.

Sleep and nutrition are the MOST important things for you right now. AP English isn’t going anywhere. The world isn’t running out of literature.

You need to protect your health and recovery and take an academic load which gives you time and space for a healthy lifestyle.

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My kids took mostly all honors/AP’s, but were STEM students. When my oldest was a sophomore they eliminated honors English, so AP or regular. My daughter lasted 2 weeks in AP and dropped to regular (which was incredibly easy). Only 1 took AP. Two of my kids only had 1 B in HS, honors English freshman year. It’s not an easy AP, I believe it was time consuming.

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