<p>Looks like Monday?</p>
<p>Looks like it.</p>
<p>I did! You can see what the email said in the thread title “friday?” It’s on page 3.</p>
<p>haha, nice, ludicolo.
but yeah. looking like monday, 3pm. a long weekend for sure…</p>
<p>I just got an email!!! Deferred…!?</p>
<p>I got deferred as well…</p>
<p>Rejected. surprised to see so many deferrals. I was by no means a weak candidate: 2240sat, 3.92, best essay of my life. meh.</p>
<p>i got rejected too nigy
almost same stats as you</p>
<p>Rejected… basically same stats as nigy and joey T.T
o wells</p>
<p>i’m kind of surprised to see so many deferred as well.</p>
<p>I also got rejected. It’s ok Long Beach state is cheaper and has waay more fast food on campus!!</p>