My webgrants4students account updated this morning. It now says “Cal Grant A - Awarded” and the remaining eligibility (years) is 2. But I never used the cal grant. I didn’t even know it existed while I was at my CC. So shouldn’t it be 4 years? I plan on finishing in two years but I’ve also thought about doing a third year and completing my med school pre-reqs.
2013 - 2014, it says not awarded.
2014 - 2015, it says not awarded.
2015 - 2016, it says Cal Grant A awarded.
Also, the email i received says to fill out a Transfer Entitlement Certification within 30 days. But I can’t find it on the website. It says it’s supposed to be in the main menu but nothing is there. 
UPDATE: Apparently I already filled out the TEC form. A different email says “The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), the state agency responsible for awarding Cal Grants, has reviewed the information from your Transfer Entitlement Certification Form and determined your preliminary Cal Grant eligibility for the 2015-16 academic year.”
So I guess it must have been the form I submitted when it was “on hold” the other day.
But if anybody has any additional information, please let me know. Also information for the 4 year vs 2 year cal grant trouble.
I think that the transfer grant is renewable for two years. See this booklet, cal grant a section. You can call CSAC. I wish cal grant websight had all info in one place
So basically I’m screwed if I decide to stay a third year? I could have sworn I read that you don’t want to use it at a CC unless you know you’ll only be at the UC for two years? I’ll have to call CSAC Tuesday morning. Thank you @BrownParent