<p>I visited Bryn Mawr a few days before christmas. and I’m going to say I love it at the 1st sight!=))) It was chilling that day and most students were back home, so the campus was very quiet but peaceful~I have to mention bryn mawr has a really awesome location! I’m totally unfamiliar with Philly/Bryn Mawr; I didnt spend a lot of time finding bryn mawr after getting off septa. It has got a easy access to philly while has the very quiet enviroment to study! Also I had an interview that day, wasnt really nervous as i thought before. we had a very lovely conversation about my understanding to women colleges and my ec, etc. I asked about internship/housing options as well. usually students can get internships from working beyond alumnae getting really valuable experience. due to no summer school in bryn mawr, doing internships is popular among students. I was confused about independent major/self-designed major things. esp. for IR, which is offered now as a minor, but still students can choose core courses and designed it as econ&IR major. it’s really flexible, but most students will follow the major requirements which are already existed.
and thank you all for answering my silly questions before! hope i can get in!</p>
<p>I am happy to hear that you liked the campus!</p>
<p>Just FYI, an independent major in international relations requires 4 full years of a single foreign language (to the best of my knowledge). That’s been in issue in the past for a few students who didn’t take a foreign language in their first year or picked the wrong language (i.e. a language that is only offered at the introductory/early intermediate level in the Tri-Co). </p>
<p>Good luck with your application! Let us know if you get in!!!</p>