I wanna be taller!!! lol

<p>I'm a girl, 5'8"
disadvantages of being tall:
-caucasian and living in hawaii among lots of people smaller than me and feeling like gulliver among the lilliputians
-thinking I can reach anything, thereby reaching too high for something, tripping, and breaking your foot
-being able to reach PRETTY MUCH anything
-not having to alter my prom dress
-only 2 inches shy of being able to apply for the unusually tall peoples scholarship :)</p>

<p>I am 5'10.5 :D but I would love to date a taller women.;)</p>

<p>So, tallkell are you saying you would date a guy shorter than you?</p>

<p>I've personally never >met< a girl who would date a guy shorter than they are (or if I've seen it i dont remember) and I heavily doubt you are the exception. So why criticize guys for wanting to date shorter women when women themselves generally want a taller guy ?</p>

<p>Actually..I have dated a guy shorter than me (about 3 inches)..he was my boyfriend for 3 years!! I will be honest and say it was a bit awkward sometimes, but he was perfect in every way other than his height. I can not imagine a girl would pass up dating a guy who "has it all" just because he's a few inches shorter than her. I mean, look at Tom Cruise?!?! Besides the fact he has gone a little crazy the last few years, he sure has never had a problem dating women taller than him, nor do taller women have a problem dating him. In fact, I think he specifically seeks out these amazon women simply because they are the most beautiful :)</p>

<p>alot of sleep does the trick. ive heard that sleep is when the human being grows the most. maybe its true?</p>

<p>^^ it's true. </p>

<p>I know this thread is pretty much dead, but I juz had to comment, since it's a 'short' thread.. hehe.</p>

<p>I'm 4' 10". Yup. :) Which makes me the smallest girl in all of high school, and I'm a Sr.. And it's official midget height. </p>

<p>I love it, though. Being comfortable in planes, being able to still fit comfortably in laps and get offered piggy back rides.. hehe, being offered the kiddy toys on the plane.. </p>

<p>short is cool. (not that being tall isn't.. but being short automatically confirms you.. ;)) And good things come in little packages..</p>

<p>I want to be taller too. I was supposed to be around 5'8, but I kinda had my major growth spurt when I was like 10, so I'm only 5'5. Stupid rBGH.</p>

<p>5'5 girls r hot :D</p>