kind of curious

<p>how do you become taller without using chemicals/steroids? more sports? working out? special food(vegetable,meat,fruit,bread,etc...?) EXCLUDING protein bars/shakes.?

<p>Taller? It's pretty much only determined by genetics. Also, making sure you get enough calcium will help. Don't think there's any other way to make yourself taller.</p>

<p>there is this pill to take</p>

<p>My sister was very short a year ago.. and my parents were getting worried. so they went to this health shop (you know, those places that sell deer/shark blood pills, fish oil pills) and bought these pills (they were green little balls) that promise growth. I thought it was just hocus pocus and I still think that a bit. But my sister grew about 3.5 inches in 4 months. (this all happend after her growth spurt)</p>

<p>whoa... are u sure that's safe?
is ur sis all right?</p>

<p>yo jonathan hit up my man Yak on aim he wil tell you everything that you need to do for whatever you want to do as long as it pertains to your body. He is a health major so he knows all his ish. And the best part he doesnt charge for his expert advice!!!</p>

<p>hit em up on AIM his sn is YaK Sky WaLkEr3 and tell him youngunax89 told u bout him</p>


<p>Referring to the growth pill:</p>

<p>Our genetic code determines our total height. Those pills go against our genes by pushing our body to grow more. It's safe, but only up to a certain point. Pushing our body past the limits of our genes is dangerous, and serious side effects can occur from taking too many of those pills.</p>

<p>Plus, there are many advantages to being short</p>

<p>If you can afford it, I know that there's a way that you can take HGH (human growth hormone) legally for hight. A girl in my AP Bio class last year knew someone who did that... actually, the kid's parents really pushed him into it. Isn't that nice?</p>

<p>There's also that bone-lengthening surgery Little People have sometimes... I watched a show about how in China, a lot of "normal" people are having that surgery because in China, there's this prejudice that height correlates with success. There are these secret clinics where they check in under secret names and only speak to the camera backlit with their faces fuzzied out. (Gotta love the Discovery Channel--the show was going for sensationalism.)</p>

<p>height correlates with success in China? (I was born there) where did you get this information?</p>

<p>oh whoops, i just finished your post, an now i do know where you got your information, lol!</p>

<p>so should my growth spur come? i am 16 and 5'4</p>

<p>CLeighDrie: I know what show you're talking about!!!! They actually just played that episode was Taboo: Body Perfect. I love that show!!!</p>

<p>My cousin took some kind of hormone to grow taller and she had serious side effects that included memory loss and all kinds of stuff... so make sure you know what you're getting into when you take something.</p>

<p>You really can't grow any taller than you already are naturally. Personally.....I wouldn't take pills for that. I've seemed to notice a trend where something is said to be okay at first. But then there is "new medical evidence" to suggest that something is related to cancer, heart problems, liver damage.....</p>

<p>I'm not saying that all things are......but there's always that possibility. Just be happy with the height you're at right now.</p>

<p>I'm a 20 year old guy and I'm only 5`5. While I do wish that I was taller, I also would not consider taking pills to make myself taller. The truth of the matter is, while I'm short, I'm not really abnormally short. It's not worth taking pills or having surgery to gain a couple of inchs.</p>

<p>Besides look at the bright side... Short people tend to live longer that tall people. :)</p>

<p>you're a girl so its different.</p>

<p>Are you calling me a girl? Last time I looked I was pretty far from it!</p>

<p>ok sorry...just judging your user name "allena" was your real name.</p>

<p>yeah my sister is alright.. i hope she doesnt grow taller than me . because that will make me feel less superior :(</p>

<p>You know in White Chicks, the guy/girl says "I got my knees done".. can you actually get them done? Because I saw this documentary about short people stretching their bones of their legs out.. Apparently it's really painful.. they use this hammer thing to do things.. ouch</p>

I heard theres like an operation where they break a bone on your legs that can help you "extend" a few inches...
I dont know much about this but I've seen it somewhere ...</p>

<p>It's ok, I've had that problem a few times on these boards. When I joined I guess I was not paying attation and entered Allena. Generally my screen name on sites is AllenA.</p>