<p>When you’re a famous actress/engineer and I’m a famous multimillionaire/CEO/engineer we should really hook up. It will be awesome.</p>
<p>^ No because by then he wont know you or this forum any more.</p>
<p>Aggies. <em>sigh</em>… ;)</p>
<p>Hey now, aibarr… some of us aren’t all bad (though I still consider myself an Illini at heart, maybe that is the difference). Also, rest assured that there are still some people in College Station that appreciate good ice cream. =)</p>
<p>What’s with the ice cream?</p>
<p>Inside joke I suppose. I spend way too much time on this forum, but it beats the hell out of studying for this horrible final right now.</p>
<p>A word of advice, avoid Benzerga like the plague.</p>
<p>Ice cream is what we use in this forum to subvert flame wars and arguments that have been pointlessly hashed out a million times before.</p>
<p>When you have over a thousand posts, you’ll understand.</p>
<p>I am only 1,000 behind you aibarr… I am catching you… slowly. That is actually kind of sad. You have 3 years on me. haha</p>
<p>You’ll eventually get bored of repeating yourself and you’ll hit an asymptote. Then you’ll stop caring a little. Then you’ll start seeing if you can derail threads by talking about things like ice cream.</p>
<p>Oh don’t worry, I already see that asymptote. Sometimes I have the motivation to answer threads like “which major is the hardest” with links to other threads. Otherwise I don’t touch them anymore except with ice cream.</p>
<p>Good man. You’re learning!</p>
<p>Shoot, I was up to that point by the time I hate 1,000 posts. Most of the rest of my posts are just me arguing with people spewing ridiculous nonsense. My “CC jaded-ness” would come into play there too, but I can’t, in good conscience, let some of these kids who come here for help get misled by a bunch of internet crazies.</p>
<p>if you think hard enough, you probably know someone like that either through first or second connections. the key distinguishing factors, in addition to intelligence, are determination and ambition. they also don’t seem to be afraid of failure and many have failed businesses in their background.</p>
<p>I’m just ashamed of my post count.</p>
<p>I thought you guys just legit loved ice cream. I imagined ice cream as the single uniting factor for engineers everywhere.</p>
<p>I think most of us in the club do legit love ice cream. I have a bowl probably 4 nights a week. How I am not a total blimp is beyond me.</p>
<p>I actually don’t like ice cream. No idea why. Too cold, I guess. I guess that’s part of it, though.</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.gq.com/news-politics/newsmakers/200901/elon-musk-paypal-solar-power-electric-cars-space-travel[/url]”>http://www.gq.com/news-politics/newsmakers/200901/elon-musk-paypal-solar-power-electric-cars-space-travel</a></p>
<p>Go to Wharton Business School at Penn, be South African, never sleep.</p>
<p>RacinReaver, I have no idea how your post count got so high in two years. I’m kind of alarmed. I’ve been plugging away at my count for… five? Oh jeez… Even with the eight or ten months’ hiatus I took when I was wedding-planning, that’s still pretty bad.</p>
<p>I swear I can quit any time I want to./At least we’re not sakky.</p>
<p>I can’t quit ice cream, though. Frozen yogurt is a pretty good substitute. I’ve found that it also helps if you make your own ice cream, because then you know what a pain it is to make it, so you eat it more slowly. Also, because you can add booze to your ice cream. I got half-shnockered on raspberry sorbet once.</p>
<p>I tell myself the same thing.</p>
<p>The sad thing is I think he got all of his posts in that single “why are we so dumb” thread.</p>
<p>As for ice cream, they just opened a Red Mango two blocks down, which is some good real frozen yogurt. Nothing can steal my heart away from gelato, though. I am particularly fond of tiramisu gelato.</p>