<p>I am not gonna talk about Higgs Boson (god particle - CNN terminology) but about someone with Engineering Degree, skills and experience to be our president. Yes, US President (POTUS). </p>
<p>I am tired of the president with background of law school, business degree (MBA), etc. So, do you think someday we will have a US President with Engineering Degree?</p>
<p>I’ve been saying for a long time that we need politicians with a science/engineering background, someone who is trained to solve problems. I think Herbert Hoover was the only pres we’ve ever had that had an engineering background.</p>
<p>Before you even talk about the POTUS, what about just politicians in general with engineering degrees? Engineering majors probably won’t turn out to be career politicians, mostly because of different interests, but I would think there’s a better chance engineers have a desire to run for a local office. Out of curiosity, how many people here have local politicians who are engineers or were engineering majors? </p>
<p>The below is the list of college majors of potential candidates for mayor in my city:
Urban studies and education
International affairs
Political science
Mathematical physics
Education, health, law
Accounting, MBA
World religions, urban planning
Started to major in electrical engineering, but dropped out of college to make money in the grocery business, eventually becoming a billionaire</p>
<p>The POTUS won’t necessarily succeed just by being trained to solve problems. He (or she) really has to be able to play the politics game and know when to give or take in order to be successful. The POTUS can only do so much when half the country disagrees with his general philosophy.</p>
<p>I’d consider running for a local office towards the end of my career or when I retire. It’s not something that’s completely out of question.</p>