I want to be chanced for Virginia Tech and William and Mary! [VA resident, 3.87 GPA, top 22% rank, psychology]

I messed up on my class rank, my rank is 93/443

I’m a first gen, half white half Guamanian If that helps?

That’s still a pretty low class rank given your GPA. But it is what it is. Some colleges don’t really consider class rank.

This is true too - for kids unsure. My kid changed four times - but that was in Junior and Senior year of HS. He graduated in college with what he started. But yep, kids change - especially if not pre-professional or in engineering (where many end up in business).

VT is an outstanding university - and to walk the campus everyday would be paradise - so yes, this would be an awesome school to be stranded.

But if it were a school where the dream major was shut out - then I’d go to a school where it is possible.

VT also has a neuro school.

A school like my daughter - Charleston - is - limited in majors, etc.

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Looks like that does make a difference. The numbers get a bit swingy since there aren’t a whole lot of applicants once you break it down at such a granular level, but more like 25-50% and you seem like a solid applicant so maybe more toward 50%.

They told us at the open house that their essays are important to them, so make sure they can see you through them.

Good luck!! I, random stranger on the internet, am rooting for you and hope for an update next spring. :grinning:

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It’s not as easy to change majors as one would think (maybe it’s easier at smaller colleges). At VT, if the major is restricted (as many of the most popular majors are), it can be tough to do. Students are only allowed to change during specific date windows near the end of each semester and it’s not guaranteed - especially if they haven’t completed prerequisites. They also have to track down advisors for approval. This can delay getting into classes and prolong graduation. My daughter changed majors within her program and even that was a process.

Have you sat down with your parents and talked budget? Will you qualify for need-based aid? Penn State does not give much (any?) merit aid, and if you’re on the reach side for University of Richmond, I wouldn’t think you’d be a merit aid candidate there either. Just something to consider. Someone mentioned Elon - they give some merit but generally not enough to bring it down to an in-state VA rate. University of South Carolina gives some merit, but it has decreased over the years. You can run the Net Price Calculator for each college to get an idea of costs.

It may be helpful for you to check the most recent VT & W/M threads here in CC to get an idea of how VA residents with your stats fared in this admissions cycle.

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