I want to be chanced for Virginia Tech and William and Mary! [VA resident, 3.87 GPA, top 22% rank, psychology]

So I just finished my junior year of high school and I’m so scared to start applying to college so could I please be chanced for my dream schools?

3.87 uw / 4.39 w

Class rank 93/434

At the end of junior year I’ve taken:

3 DE
1 AP
12 Honors

At the end of senior year I’ll have taken:

4 DE
6 APs
13 Honors


Cofounder and president of our German Club: 3 years

Interned as a veterinarian assistant

Took a psychology summer camp at William and Mary

Marching band and show band: 2 years

Lacrosse: 3 years

World Language Honor Society, NHS, NSHSS, Thespian

Worked at a restaurant for almost 3 years

Plays trombone, oboe, and drums

75 volunteer hours

Other colleges I’m applying to are: JMU, Penn State, USC, UVA, and University of Richmond

@marsssss of this is your real name, I would urge you to change your screenname. Here is how:

I don’t know if any of these schools use class rank, but if they do, yours isn’t going to help, in my opinion.

You don’t mention an SAT or ACT score. Did you take one of these? What was your score?

If you are instate for Virginia, that will help you at the VA schools.

I think JMU and Penn State seem realistic for acceptance. The rest seem like a toss up to me. But that is my opinion.

Is this a public or private hs?

No need to be panicked. There’s lots of great schools for you and there’s no such thing as a dream school. And test ? Is there one ?

usc as in S Carolina or S Cal?

Any budget concerns ? U are from VA ?

I agree…drop the “dream school” thing. It’s fine to have a favorite school or two, but elevating them to “dream school” just isn’t necessary.

Your dreams can be achieved at a LOT of different colleges.



What major? VT is getting much harder for all majors but has always been tough for STEM. They admit more out of state students, which makes it more competitive for in-state applicants. VT & W/M are also pretty different, size-wise and in culture/environment. What do you like about each one?

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Where are you applying from? That makes a difference.
For Virginia Tech - what major are you applying for?
Are you applying test optional?

My older child attends WM and my younger child (rising senior) plans on applying ED to Tech.

Your best bet is to pick your top choice and apply ED. Your chances for both schools will increase dramatically by applying ED so go for it. The two schools are VERY different, so spend time this summer visiting and figuring out what type of campus you want. Penn State, USC (S. Carolina?) I think you are good, but UVA is a reach.

WM offeres summer senior interviews, sign up for one. It can only help you in your application process.

My WM student had a 4.0/4.4, 1500 SAT, 4 HN and 12 IB/AP classes and they applied ED1 to WM and EA to Tech and was accepted to both. Biology major at Tech. A friend with similar stats to yours applied RD to WM and was waitlisted, so I would say your best bet on WM is applying ED if that is the type of campus/school you want.

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My major would be psychology

I’m a VA resident and I’m applying test optional. My major is Psychology

I’m a VA resident and I’m applying test optional. I want to major is psychology

I meant university of South Carolina, I’m a VA resident and I’m applying test optional. My major is Psychology

I’m a VA resident and I’m applying test optional. I want to major in Psychology

I think you’ll be fine. You stand a very good chance at Virginia Tech and decent at William & Mary. Neither is guaranteed, of course. Spend a good amount of time on your Virginia Tech essays, they don’t look at the common app essays and put a good deal of weight on the Ut Prosim essay.

If you can don’t fall into the dream school trap. Learn to fall in love with a safety (meaning a school that has the program you are looking for, is highly likely you’ll get into and is affordable). You should have a number of schools that would qualify.

I would say you’ll most likely get into JMU, Penn State and probably Virginia Tech (it’s getting harder but you seem to be comfortably in range). UVA and USC are definite reaches.

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Virginia Tech has very detailed historical admission information available.

An in-state female applying for psychology with no hooks for 2022-23 had an 18.1% chance for admission. 21-22 it was 13.3%. Your ECs and GPA seem in line, VT does not use class rank.

If you have any hooks and want to play around with the data…

Unless you have some hooks, I would put this as a reach for you (less than 20% chance). If you have hooks, that will probably double to triple your chances based on recent data.

My D24 has similar stats (different potential major) and will be in a similar boat for admission chances.


Interesting to me that your gpa is where it is and rank where it is. Grade inflation.

The two most similar to me are PSU (likely) and Va Tech - likely to target. Clemson would be the 3rd I find similar (low reach), UGA - need a test and maybe Auburn - safety. They just seem similar to me. Not that you asked !!

So Va Tech is a target and PSU good but the far majority of Va Tech submit tests - is my concern. Same with W&M. JMU should be safe but we’ve seen some studs get WL. I’d add CNU if in state is a desire cost wise. Fine school. Just to hedge.

U of SC - decent chance - at least a couple years ago if you did TO you had to submit AP scores or a written paper. Not sure if holds.

Richmond possible but if applying there then why not a school like Elon or Bucknell ?? Are you full pay ? That would impact.

Thanks for linking - this is a remarkable resource. Applicants to VT with OP’s demographic characteristics have a 40% admit rate for accounting and 90% for biochemistry, but just 18% for psychology.


Based on your class rank, I am assuming that you did not take the highest rigor curriculum (being outranked by students with more rigor/weighted classes). If you are from northern Virginia, then I think your chances at W&M, UVA, and VA Tech are lower than if you’re from elsewhere in the state.

As a test optional student applying for a psychology major, this is how I would chance you. If you’re from NOVA, then I’d put you on the low end of the categories or on the next level of probability down.

Extremely Likely (80-99+%)

  • James Madison

Likely (60-79%)

  • Penn State - on the lower end of this category if aiming for University Park’s campus
  • U. of South Carolina

Toss-Up (40-59%)

Lower Probability (20-39%)

  • Virginia Tech
  • William & Mary

Low Probability (less than 20%)

  • U. of Richmond
  • UVA

D24 has waffled between two majors, and the other one has something close to 90% acceptance for her demographic at VT. She has to make those choices…would she rather her currently preferred major even if it’s not her dream school, or b) dream school but perhaps a completely different life path.

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always go for major over school.

and there is no dream school…none. They all have issues - whether bad roommate, bad food, too small dorm, bad profs.

There are many colleges a student can be happy but if you’re studying something that isn’t of interest, how can one be happy there?

If a kid is 100% sure on their major, sure, go for the major. But so many kids change their major, and mine has changed her mind twice this year already!

Even if it isn’t truly a dream school, a place like VT has a ton of excellent programs that a student could change into if their interests evolve. If they go to Psychs-R-Us University because it is the #1 Psychology program in the world and decide they can’t ever stand to see another lab rat they are stuck having to transfer (thereby losing out on part of what I consider the ideal total undergraduate college experience).

I have crossed off a number of excellent schools in one potential major because they are just.so.focused. A few are still on so we’ll see what happens next year when decisions roll in (assuming she decides to apply).