<p>I'm quite confused......i'm an international student and i registered for the dec 6 SAT subject test, but was absent on test day, so now i want to change my test date to january 24. I called customer service, but no one is there, and the comp says (call during business hours). I'm live in UAE, so according to eastern time....i shud call between now and 5AM(my time).</p>
<p>My question is.....if i call them on monday (cuz its christmas, and they may have a holiday) and transfer my date to jan, will they accept it....or tell me i'm too late to register? I can't miss this date....the deadline for online registration is 2morow(dec 26) its my last chance. If anyone knows that they don't accept it....then i'll register online and pay again...cuz i can't take a risk.....does anyone know which time is too late to transfer ur date to another if u were absent?</p>
<p>P.S International students dont have late registrations online.
<p>Call CB tomorrow. If you cannot reach anyone, register for the Jan test, even though you will probably have to pay the entire fee. I think that you would have to pay some money anyways to t move your test date. If you really need to take the SAT in Jan, then the thirty of fourtyish dollars in fees will be well spent.</p>
<p>U r right about the fee Zoe09…but 2morow is the deadline…and if i call on the day of the deadline …will they accept? what if they dont pick up…? I checked on their website and it says “Test Date Change/Absence on Test Day
If you were absent from a test for which you registered and want to test on another date, call Customer Service to transfer to a later date.”</p>
<p>“If You’re Absent
What if I’m absent on my SAT test day?
If you cannot attend a test for which you registered and want to test on a future test date, call Customer Service to transfer to a later date. The test date change fee applies.”</p>
<p>So this means even after the regular jan deadline…i can still call and change?</p>
<p>I read everything on their website and it doesnt say that u can’t change ur test date if u were absent and the deadline passed of registration for the next date, So i tink they wud understand if i did a mistake? =)</p>
<p>so bluebird123 u suggest to wait and not register today? I don’t mind the late fee or date change fee…but the important part is…they change my test date to jan 24! If they don’t…and say u should’ve called earlier…i’m doomed! =(</p>
<p>and ya…i’m still trying to call them every 20 mins…but no ones there =/</p>
<p>btw, I’m pretty sure you can still change your test date regardless of the deadline they give you for changing. I changed my Nov SAT test date 4 days BEFORE THE TEST - which was wayyy past the deadline…I just called them and switched to Dec.</p>