I want to go to college...NOW!

<p>I'm sick of senior year. Sick of studying things that don't matter. Sick of thinking about saying goodbye to 437 people. Sick of grades. Sick of applications. Sick of financial aid mongobongo. Sick of e-mailing colleges that never respond. Sick of waiting. Sick of hearing bandies whine about how marching band is over. Sick of Ap English. Sick of it all. I want to be in college right now and be done with it all! Who's with me! :D</p>

<p>Senior class of '06</p>

<p>Almost there buddy, hang in there don't do anything too desperate :)</p>

<p>WOn't you have to study more in college?</p>

<p>Hang on a little longer after you give in your apps and then kick back with some senioritis..:D</p>

<p>amen. I'll tell you what I'm sick of. My dad just lost his business, my aunt just died, my application essay disappeared mysteriously, someone stole my backpack, people asking me where I am applying and wanted to read over my essay to get started on theirs, AP Physics, my labtop has a virus, freshman wants my info and see where I am applying, my long lost cousin's family who has thriplets who are entering sophmore year want me to tutor them and to give the low down on success.... yea.... just want to go to college to get away from all the problems.</p>

<p>I still have another year after this :(</p>

<p>"I still have another year after this "- i feel bad for you</p>

<p>I seriously considered just dropping out of HS yesterday... im sick of my mom suggesting i go to a historically black college even though i grew up in suburban indiana.... im so sick of studying to get grades that count for basically nothing that i cant even bring myself to do it anyway (increduously im doing better not studying than i was when i studied). Im sick of counselors calling me down to talk to college reps. Im tired of my sis telling me how much fun she is having at lsu. Im sick of explaining to people that ohio university is different from ohio state. Im sick of leaving for school at 6:20 am... im just sick of everything</p>

<p>we all just need a massive chocolate chip cookie and a long nap.
(sorry i'm random.. but de-stress! time goes by faster when you're eating... uh... i'll go now)</p>

<p>Socially...I love high school. I have great friends and things just keep getting better every year.</p>

<p>Academically...I hate it! I am so tired of all the work and all the studying. I am tired of the crappy lockers, the crappy food, and the crappy bathrooms. When college comes around, I will be learning things that I WANT to learn. Now I do hate math, but in college, I will be able to take the math classes that I want...that's what I am looking foward to the most.</p>

<p>I don't know about you guys, but my senior year isn't that stressful. Which is how it should be. You guys need to just relax :D</p>

<p>I'm sick of my high school, but that's because I'm old. (I'm 2 years older than seniors at my school; I'm a post-grad student.) I'm eager and willing to get out of here, and absolutely envious and jealous of the rare emails I get from last year's seniors, my class of '05, and dying to try out new things and take classes I'm interested in instead of having a measly option choice, particulalry when it comes to IB classes. I'm so eager to get out from under my parents' wing, because being above 18 makes no difference with them, and trying to find out how public transport works without them harrassing me about the five W's when I want to go out. I don't want to be the spoiled little girl anymore who's driven everywhere by the driver; I want to make my own mistakes and get lost in the city (preferably on weekends :D) and be able to ask strangers about directions!</p>

<p>We need ice cream, too...</p>

<p>i'm not sick because i am not in high school! :D</p>

<p><em>sees the non-reaction from everyone's moody faces</em></p>

<p><em>embarrassed, crawls to one corner and hides under a rock</em></p>


<p><em>pours cement over the rock</em> <em>seals banedon forever down there, sans Internet</em></p>

<p>I share your feelings.
Now that through apps and brochures I have a little taste of college, I want to be there so badly.</p>

<p>My high school... I hate this place, this zoo, this meat packing plant they throw us into to keep us off the streets. Going through the same boring routine day after day, the same piles of busy work, the same idiotic teachers telling me to try harder. Try harder for what- my apps are in. The same meaningless in-class discussions where everyone is half asleep, the same boring. I sit in class and count the hours until the weekends, a breath of fresh air, when I can be myself with people I like and do what I enjoy, not sit through the meaningless drivel day after day after day.</p>

<p>I can't wait to get out of here.</p>

<p>im with you... lets start a riot XD</p>

<p>I'm sick of realizing that 5 out of my seven teachers don't know anything about their subjects. I'm sick of wasting my time sitting through their pointless lectures right out of the book and doing busywork. I'm sick of classes I know I can ace if I actually cared...but I don't...because I'm already getting an A by not trying. And I'm sick of that dark cloud of college apps. over my head. </p>

<p>I needed that rant.</p>

<p>AGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH. SO college is basically the only thing I can think about. In my AP studio art class, I draw college. In my other classes, I daydream about college. Only one class is fun and useful this year, AP lit, my teacher is the freaking bomb and I love her! I'm SO sick of everybody at my school cept the select few good friends, and random amusing acquintances. I'm sick of being worried about not getting into college. I regret not doing music this year, blah. I regret being in regular government with a bunch of retards who pronounce "deter" as "deeter", I mean seriously, what the hell. The usefulness of this year is just about dead. 221 days until graduation thank god. Yes, I'm counting down. My high school is a piece of crap, stupid teachers, obnoxious, control-freak administration and proctors, rotten kids. Blah. I WANT TO LEAVE NOW! I want to live in a dorm, and watch tv all day on the weekends, and play old nintendo and mario kart, and go to the cafeteria whenever I want, and have nobody bother me who I don't care to see. YES, only 7 months awaaaaay.</p>

<p>Y'all may not believe me now, but despite all the crappiness y'all have described about senior year, enjoy it while you can...because you'll miss it when it's gone.</p>

<p>I'm sick of TEDIOUS AP statistics problems with simulations that have 100 trials .... grrrrrrr. I want this eyar to be over.I want to know i'm excepted somehwere, anywhere. I want to have that secure feeling. I'm also scared of rejection, and im SOOO nervous abotu college apps... I still haven't even found out my final rank yet, so that scare me as well. what i want is to know where i'll be next fall, i want to be happy, i want to be free of care and obligation, i want to fail tests and not feel bad about because hey, i'm a senior and it shoudlnt matter anymore lol. I want to go on my schools senior trip and rub all my freedom into the juniors faces come second semester....</p>

<p>im just sick of seeing the same place every single day... i need a change in scenery</p>

<p>oh yes! totally i second what u said l41n... </p>

<p>I'm also getting kinda tired of the same old people everyday. I just feel so drained from beign aroudn them.</p>