I was deferred by UCF summer 2017

I was deferred by UCF for the summer 2017 term today. UCF is my top choice and I’m really disappointed I didn’t get in. Can anyone share some advice on what should I do? Was anyone else deferred? Anyone previously get deferred and were accepted later?

My Stats
GPA- 3.1 unweighted.
3.8 weighted.

ACT- Didn’t use.

SAT- I’ve only ever taken the new SAT, I sent them my 1160 score originally, and they just got my 1270 out of 1600 score today, the same day I that I got deferred.

I’m in the AP Program at my school. After my senior year I would have taken 11 APs, I’ve only taken AP or Honors classes. I’m in various clubs and honor societies. I had about 6-7 rec letters written for me but I never sent them because I heard they weren’t used in the admission decision. What should I do to increase my chances of getting accepted? I feel so embarrassed, because all my friends are getting into every college they applied to.

Thank you to anyone who can help.

Are you saying you got into summer 2017 rather than fall 2017, or were you applying for summer only? If you were accepted to start in the summer, I say congratulations, do it. Quite a few of my daughters’ friends started in the summer, immediately after hs graduation.

Was your decision deferred, so you are still waiting for admission? If so, call them and see what else they are looking for. Do they want to see your senior grades? Will they consider your new SAT score? Give them what they want.

I’m saying I was deferred for summer term 2017, as in they reviewed my application but I guess they want more from me to make a final decision

I was also deferred from UCF summer 2017. UCF is my number one choice and I’m still waiting for a response.
Term: summer
UW: 3.27

Sat:1070 ( low i know )
Act: 23

Have over 100 community service hours, have taken 13 AP and AICE classses. Passed 8 of my exams so far. Taking 4 of those 13 this year. President of best buddies( special needs organization)for 2 years. Part of many clubs such as key club, habitat for humanity, etc.In all honor society’s (math, science, reading) play varsity soccer for freshman-junior year playing varsity football my senior year. Played travel soccer all my life. Work 4-5 days a week (30/40hours). Wrote a strong essay and have LOR. Chance me if you can I’m dying to hear back!

This is the University of California board, you might want to post this at the University of Central Florida board.