<p>je suis frommage? oh pyramid you are a cheese.
i love the french language. the way it soudns. if only i could acutally comprehend it when i heard it. </p>
<p>my friend brought a hot german exchange student to our school and in order to talk to the hot guy , i found out how to say how are you.
"vie geht es inen gie" (sp? -__-) i aSked.
he replied "im fine thanks"</p>
<p>all that learning for nothing. he replied in english. </p>
<p>oh well he was hot. its ok.</p>
<p>Oh but the French are right.
No, they aren't. It's impossible to hear what a language sounds like when it's your first. French should be everyone's second language. </p>
<p>...btw...how far can your grades drop for U Chi before they take action?My essay now features metaphors about metaphors inside of metaphors stacked on top of metaphors.
that's right. logic has deserted me.</p>
<p>wie geht's ihnen Sie... ie, how're you, formal?</p>
<p>yes, hot german boys. actually, the really hot one we met was irish-german. he liked beer a lot a lot a lot, naturally.</p>
<p>Mmm...I was going to learn to be obscene in foreign languages, until I realized that I speak english so fast and with such an accent, I can be obscene in english and get away with it.</p>
<p>LOL pyramid. what a metaphorical essahy :P</p>
<p>french is my third langauge.
1st is korean. 2nd english. 3rd french. although im much better at english than any of the three. mhy korean vocabular is that of a elementary schooler's. and my friend says i sound like a baby when i talk in korean. -_-</p>
<p>yea how far CAN your grades drop for uchic. i think i hav a C in bio.</p>
<p>hahahaa nice!</p>
<p>I looked my mom's first language at the foreign language swear word site.
I was unnerved when I discovered every single word was familiar. O the things I did not know my mother had said...</p>
<p>man, i want to meet your mom. i've never heard spoken indonesian.</p>
<p>It's...a comforting language, or maybe that's my bias, but it doesn't have any verb tenses or nasty little conjugational thingys. You say everything in present and tack on a time.</p>
<p>That's my kind of language.</p>
<p>easy is good ^_^ it's cool to correlate that with culture, too... fascinating, really.</p>
<p>i'm not sure which i like more--the sociological or biomedical aspects of linguistics.</p>
<p>Biomedical? Explain please.</p>
<p>developmental linguistics, genetic implications, language disorders/delays, physiological aspects... et cetera.</p>
<p>Ah, gotcha.
language in general is fascinating...</p>
<p>and with that very mundane cliche...I'm off to bed. I will die tomorrow.</p>
<p>night, good luck with... not dying.</p>
<p>I AM ALIVE!</p>
<p>...but the essay hasn't been graded yet, so it's all relative.</p>
<p>oh welcome back pyramid
good to know you are alive :)</p>
<p>haha, the dead but still breathing phenomenon. i hear you. my parents are meeting my boyfriend's parents in a few minutes...</p>
<p>ahh....well, there is always room for you to join me in the land of the not quite dead. really, there aren't very many of us.</p>