<p>I was waitlisted but can anyone who were waitlisted then got acccepted please give me some advice? My counselor at my school hasnt been giving me much help. I tried calling Emory several times but I've never been able to talk to them.
I emailed the Senior Associate Dean of Admissions, Scott Allen, several times. But, i think he got slightly annoyed......</p>
<p>Does anyone have advice? I know it differs school by school. I havent heard anything from ND yet but I know that they like the "showing interest". How can I show interest to Emory? What other advice?
Please help thank you!</p>
<p>OMG, stop emailing and calling RIGHT NOW!</p>
<p>Ok, now that you’re not HURTING your chances by annoying everyone who could help you, start by doing this:</p>
<p>Take a big deep breath
Since you skipped the first step, take a big, deep breath… seriously
Start thinking of your application. Did you represent every aspect of your extra curriculars and hobbies, academic interests, etc? If yes, then start formulating a letter that describes how much you love emory. If no, start formulating the same letter, but phrase it as an “updating you with my recent activity” kind of letter. </p>
<p>Now, I know you want to send that letter the second you finish it- WRONG. Wait for a month or so. Go back and re work that letter until it is perfect. You should send this letter in the last week of April or so. Before April 20 is too early.</p>
<p>You are trying to demonstrate interest, not desperation or depression. By calling or emailing between now and when they reconsider you application (They reconsider after May 1, the reply date), you are just annoying them and seeming desperate/depressed. </p>
<p>Seriously, just calm down and work really hard on that letter. I would consider sending in another rec letter, but only if it adds new information. Another letter that says the same thing is useless.</p>
<p>A major thing is to demonstrate “intellectual merit.” That is what the office told me when I asked what they were looking for. </p>
<p>If it makes you feel any better, I’m opening up a spot for you, because I’m going to Chicago instead of Emory.
Good luck!</p>