<p>Who will be the next president?</p>
NetHack, prefrosh, karaoke;
Camping barefoot in the Smoky
Mountains; eating ice cream bars;
Staring at the twinkly stars;
Proving that for a in Z
a^p == a (mod p);
Sharing stories with your friends
(Unless you lack -- but I can lend
Companionship to those who need it.
Please stay strong; don't be defeated);
Boarding planes to foreign lands;
Snoozing on Hawaiian sand;</p>
<p>And if this fails to satisfy,
Hang yourself, and you may die.
<p>That one made it onto my facebook.</p>
Do I turn you on?:P
<p>Your post's too short, your name's too long
Upon you I'm not keen;
Besides, it would be clearly wrong
To date you; not 18.</p>
<p>Haha, nice. Are you like majoring in literature and poetry?</p>
<p>She goes to caltech...that's impossible...do people even have English classses there?</p>