<p>~Applications remorse. It's the perfect college for me and I have a 0% chance of admittance</p>
<p>Awww I’m sorry I’m sure you’ll love wherever you get in!</p>
<p>Hopefully i’ll get into the other places I love lol</p>
<p>You can always transfer if you don’t like your first school :D</p>
<p>That’s true, and Williams does accept transfers so it’s not hopeless</p>
<p>If you want it badly, you can always apply as a transfer next year. :D</p>
<p>I may do that depending on where I get in. Anyone here familar w/ the Williams transfer application process?</p>
<p>[Williams</a> College | Admission | Applying as a Transfer Student](<a href=“http://www.williams.edu/admission/apply_transfer.php]Williams”>http://www.williams.edu/admission/apply_transfer.php)</p>
<p>Sometimes, I just sit there and wonder why I didn’t apply to Princeton.</p>