IB chem

I’m planning on taking SL IB chemistry next year but I’ve never taken regular chemistry. I’ve talked to the teacher and she said that I should be fine without taking it. I have the option of taking regular chemistry online this summer, but two semesters would just be a lot for me to get done plus I’m going on vacation soon and I’m afraid I won’t be able to finish it before school starts.
I’m a good student. I study hard and pay attention, but I’m really nervous because I don’t know too much about chemistry and this is an important year for me in highschool. I don’t want to mess it up.
Will I be okay in this class without taking regular chemistry? What do you guys think?

I took SL chem this year. My first thought is yeah, it’s going to be tough. There’s a lot to learn and it moves very fast. A good foundation is essential.
But then again if this is the norm for your school - that first year chemistry is IB SL - then the teachers will know how to handle it.
My advice would be to go in this year ready to work hard and learn a lot very quickly. I don’t know if you really need to take a chemistry class online, especially since I don’t know how helpful it would be without the labs.
But if there’s one thing you do this summer to get ready, it would be to familiarize yourself with the periodic table. Learn the names of elements, groups (halogens, alkali metals, etc.) and why everything is where it is. Chemistry is sort of like learning to speak another language. And you wouldn’t try to speak a new language without knowing the basic alphabet first.
Good luck! You’ve got this. If you have any specific questions, please message me.

Could you do some reading and problems over the summer? When DS took this, a year of chemistry with a decent grade was required and even with the summer work, it was rough for him. Totally agree with @whitespace that developing some fluency, whether through an online class, starting summer assignments early, etc will help.

I think you need some foundation. I am in IB Chemistry SL at the moment and it’s fast-paced and difficult. I can’t imagine it without background knowledge. I do not recommend you take it unless you have some background. Perhaps speak to a teacher to get help before you enroll if you want to take the class.