IB chemistry

<p>I'm currently a sophomore transitioning into the IB program and I'm in HH right now, and take chemistry. The IB chemistry teacher said that its going to be really hard and my chem teacher said that its at the college level because college students don't start learning organic chem till their sophomore year. I'm scared that it's going to be too hard because I'm going to only be a junior in high school doing sophomore college level work, is this true that this class will be this hard?</p>

<p>It’s pretty hard. I have a horrible chemistry teacher who focuses too much on the weaker students that she doesnt have time to cover important concepts. But if you have the passion for chemistry, u can always self study. I go online when i hv doubts.
But i still love HL chem and still do well at it (90+% in ib). Only thing I hate is the IA. Chem ia is the most torturous of all science ias.
Btw i’ve only taken HL chem for 5 months</p>

<p>What is IA the end of the year test?</p>

<p>internal assessment. it’s basically 3 lab reports. mine’s like 10 pages for each :(</p>

<p>Sl Chem isn’t too bad</p>

<p>HL Chemistry in IB can get pretty difficult. But for every difficult topic there should be a relatively easy topic as well. I’m a current senior in IB and to this point I’ve managed B’s throughout chemistry except when I missed a month of school due to illness. I would just make sure you like the teacher and genuinely enjoy the material because that will be huge in succeeding in class. Like one of the other posters said, self study is always an option.</p>