IB Chemistry EE Remarking

Hi, I recently got my IB results (Nov 2017 batch) and got 42 points (6 for my lang and lit SL and C’s for both TOK and EE to give only 1 bonus point, 7’s for my maths HL, phy hl, chem hl, bm sl and hindi B sl). The thing is my entire CV is focused on science internships and writing/publishing science papers but my chemistry EE has a C grade. I checked my raw score and found out that i got 22 marks and the boundary for C is from 16 to 22. So, effectively i need only 1 point to increase by a grade for chemistry EE and get one more bonus point. However, when i asked my teachers about the chances to get 1 more mark in remarking, they remained pretty tight lipped about it saying that there is always a risk of falling a grade in remarking so they typically don’t give students any advice in these matters. I hope to apply to some ivy leagues and other good universities for electrical and electronic engineering so i was just hoping to get some idea about whether the C grade would affect my application and also to learn more about the chances of increasing by 1 mark (or falling from a high C to a D) in the remarking process for chem EE. Thanks for the help!

42 is a terrific score, period, that isn’t what will exclude you from top schools. Don’t even try to figure your GPA when you have your IBD in your hand. Apply with your IBD score. Specify your C/D grading problem and how you are trying to translate that to a US application? I wonder if you are overthinking it. EE just isn’t that big of a deal.

The chemistry teacher at my kids’ school tells everyone not to do chem EE. He says it is brutally marked. My kid did it anyways. She did her research at a top national laboratory and her adviser there read her EE and said she would give a college student submitting it an A. Let’s just say she did not get anywhere near an A from IB.