IB Courses for a prospective Journalism student

Hello, I’m a sophomore going through the process of choosing the courses of my IB Diplomma Program. I am aiming to study Journalism in a highly selective university, perhaps in the US, UK or Spain. I am considering to take a second major or minor in Political Science, Economics, Marketing or Business.

I am very confused regarding what will I do with my language courses, especially due to the fact that my school does not offer Language and Literature HL, neither in Spanish nor English. As a Latino, I was thinking about taking an English HL course to demonstrate my English proficiency to admissions officials, but I have been told that Lang&Lit is better for students who want to pursue careers in Journalism, Marketing, Advertising, among others. I was also told that by no means should I take 2 Lit HLs, since I am holding 2 leadership positions in extracurriculars, and I am doing an internship at a local newspaper.

This is sort of what I have in mind:
Language A: English (if SL, would be Lang&Lit. If HL, then Lit)
Language A: Spanish (same as above)
Math SL
Global Politics HL
History HL/Econ HL (I would appreciate some advice in this too)
Science: I was thinking on Environmental Systems SL, but I would like to know if it requires prior knowledge of Chemistry, since I do not have a full course of Chemistry.

As you can see, if I take both languages as SL, I’d be left with 4 SL and 2 HL, which is not the idea either. I am also taking into account SAT Subject Tests. I would appreciate some input regarding whether it’s okay to take SAT Lit having done English Lang&Lit, as well as doing SAT II History without taking IB History. I am very likely to take SAT II French, as another note.

Thanks for you help!

I think English LAL should prepare you for the SAT Subject Test. Which SAT History test are you considering?