Ib diploma and admissions.

I have a weird case because freshman year i did well then sophmore year i had a 3.2 gpa. BUT in the ib diploma, i was able to get a 4.0 gpa which puts me in like the top 1% in my class (only 2 other people have straight As in the program at my school). Would the top institutions like Stanford and Harvard see the upward trend and how i really maturr as a person or would i highly likely get rejected? Do you guys know people with a similar story of mine that got into top schools???

A 3.2 probably takes Harvard and Stanford off the table completely. Unless you’re discovering Atlantis or curing cancer in your free time, Harvard isn’t going to take an average student when they’ve got thousands of straight A students lined up that aren’t even good enough for them.

Read this: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/stanford-university/1938730-stanford-university-class-of-2021-rea-results-thread.html

These are the REA group – the stronger applicant pool

@LexRex He said 3.2 GPA one year, not his entire HS career…

If it was Freshman year, I’d say yes, they would overlook it, Sophomore year not so much. If there was a legitimate reason why it was so low that year to explain it then it would not hurt you as much, but without a real reason it may start to exclude you at chances into ivy leagues and hurt your chances at other top schools.