IB Diploma or IB Certificate?

So, I’m gonna be a junior in September and I’ve already applied for the full IB program, but I’m afraid I won’t be capable of completing assignments on time and fail it. The classes I’ve chosen are SL: Math, French B, English A HL: Biology, Theater, Psychology. I have really bad time management and organization skills, and I nearly failed 9th and 10th grade. I barely ever study, so I’m not used to it. I’m also used to going out all the time, so I’m thinking of not doing full IB, and just take the three HL classes I’ve chosen. My current GPA is 2.0 I think, if not lower. I’m aiming for a decent college with like a 50-70% acceptance rate since my grades are so low. Do you think I’ll be able to handle that much work? How many hours of hw does an IB diploma and an IB certificate student have? Is it possible to get into a better uni if i do the certificate, but have good grades?

I don’t think you should do it with a 2.0. Focus on getting better grades in regular classes.

If you barely ever study, I don’t recommend taking that many IB classes, or at least not that many HLs - I know from experience that not studying in HL Biology is a very very very bad idea. I agree with the above poster; maybe try honors classes or just a couple AP/IB classes (not six) if you want to be challenged a little more.

IMO you should not be selected into the IBD with your GPA. Is this a real choice that you have? You aren’t meeting the challenge of regular classes. I don’t see the point of you doing certificate either. If my kids had not done the IBD, APs would be the alternative, not certificate.

I go to a very small school and there are no honors or ap classes…its either normal classes or IB, and btw ive chosen the subjects im willing to study for in HL

I would not recommend taking any IB classes. It is a hell lot of work and you need very good time management skills to complete assignments and perform well in your classes.

Can you clarify that you are actually in the USA?

I have a friend who has a very low GPA like you who is taking the IBD junior year. I personally think it’s a bad idea, but for whatever reason she feels motivated to do it. I think it’s great that you are as well, but IB is incredibly hard. I have a 4.0 as a rising junior and am frankly pretty terrified for IB. I would see how it goes for the first semester, try your absolute best, it’s not the end of the world if you get bad grades because that’s what you’ve been getting thus far in your HS career. But, after the first semester, I’d recommend a very honest self-assessment. If you can’t handle IB, drop it and work hard to get B’s and A’s in regular classes. A 2.0 makes it very difficult to get into a 4 year college, from what I know.