IB diploma or just a few IB classes

Earlier I posted about wanting to join the IB
program! But now I’m not so confindatent as I was, mostly because I ended my semester
with a 79 in AP Earth Environmental Science
:(. Horrible I know. Also my mother who
wanted me to do the IB program isn’t so sure anymore either. In all honesty I would love to take IB, but I don’t think I’m fit for it. For
example I’m not much of a very smart girl.
Here are my final grades for the 1st semester of the school year

Civics economics honors: 91
Health science: 96
AP Earth Environmental Science: 79
Forensics: 94

I’m having such are hard time deciding
whether or not I should join the IB program or just take some IB classes ! Will I still get into a good
collage if I decide to take a few? Will having only taken a few help me in collage or will
taking the whole program be more helpful in collage?

BTW I’m intresting in trying to work
somewhere in the medical field. Also I want
to get into UNC chapel hill university ( as my
Older sister did. She did the whole IB
program). Let me know what you guys think :slight_smile:

Not doing the full IB diploma will NOT by any means keep you from getting into a good college! What’s more important is how many IB classes you can take and still do well in. The full IB diploma involves taking at least four IB classes a year (and maybe more if your SL’s are two years long). IB classes are about as hard as AP classes, if not harder for the HL’s . So it’s important to do what you can handle.

The full IB Diploma also requires you to do 150 CAS Hours, an Extended Essay, and take TOK (which also involves the TOK Essay and Presentation). You don’t have to do it. If you can handle taking more than just 6 IB classes, then you could do that to show that your classes are rigorous. You won’t have to take all of the IB exams, and you won’t do all that extra stuff that the diploma requires. Taking a couple of IB classes works too!

Did you take English, Math, or a Foreign Language? How did you do in these? These would be a big part of your IB course work.