IB Math HL Self Study

<p>I've just completed 3 years of math, precalculus, AP Calculus AB, and AP Calculus BC, and I'm now a junior. I'm interested in applying to some overseas schools, so I was wondering if self studying for IB Math HL for 2014 would be feasible? I've found some very helpful resources online :) Does anyone have any tips/book recommendations? Thank you all in advance!</p>

<p>**I was also interested in self-studying for Theory of Knowledge as I'm super interested into that sort of thing. Opinions?</p>

<p>Really, you can’t “self-study” for TOK. There’s no final exam, just the TOK Essay and Presentation, and those just count for (with your EE) up to 3 extra points for the diploma. At most, you could order the IB TOK textbook and just read it, but there’s no test to take to get you credit if that’s what you want.</p>

<p>As for Math HL, I’m just not sure how you could manage doing all of the Assessments yourself. Do you have a Math HL teacher lined up to help you? Because you can’t grade your own Internal Assessment, and you have to submit a graded one that IB will only moderate.</p>

<p>I think you certainly have enough of a background to do well in IB HL Math, but you just can’t do it without a teacher. That said, if you can find a teacher, I would definitely encourage you to pursue him/her to grade your Internal Assessment(s) and help you submit assignments to IB as necessary, and just to have someone to go to in case you have any questions.</p>