Take IB Math HL Year 2 with only Calc AB?

<p>Hi I'm currently a junior and taking Calc AB. I was originally going to take BC this year (my teacher told me it was a good idea to) but had a schedule conflict and could only take AB (have an A in AB). I've always been strong in math and was wondering if I could self-study BC topics over the summer after this school year so that I could be ready for IB Math HL Year 2 in senior year? (At my school, those who have taken BC usually take IB Math HL Yr 2 next). I want to major in Nuclear Engineering in college. Also, if I took IB Yr 2, then would it be plausible to take the AP BC exam at the end of my senior year to get more credit?</p>

<p>Calc AB at my school is taught concurrently with IB Math HL Year 1.</p>

<p>BC is taught with HL2 in my kids schools. it is a pain for the BC calc students with IBHL grading but it seems as if they just teach HL, and the BC (well ABC in my kids case as he did SL not AB) is covered. You aren’t going to double up your applicable credit per se but having the APs and the HLs is a nice plus if it really doesn’t involve extra work. Just look at your target universities to see how they apply credit.</p>