IB Math Studies SL/Math SL/Math HL

Is anyone else’s school phasing out Studies and moving studies content to SL, SL content to HL, and making it a different name? There’s rumors that they are going to rename the courses and implement that plan for the 19-20 year at my school, but I wanted to know if that’s happening in other places as well…

Content for the three classes is set by IB.

Which of the 3 classes they choose to offer is up to your school.

Not offering math studies in selective IB schools though, is probably a response to a lack of uptake. SL content is never going to be HL. I suspect plenty of US IB schools won’t always offer HL though, becuase of the lack of kids taking the course, or the lack of capable teachers.

Our school has always offered only SL and HL. Out of ~90 grads each year there are 2 sections of SL and one of HL so about 60/30. I suspect the kind of student who chooses a public magnet IB school isn’t going to take Math Studies.

Idk about that. My school is kinda janky because we don’t offer HL and we just make people take regular SL Maths if they take Calculus and include a unit of vectors and then have pretty much everyone else take math Studies.

Apparently what’s happening is theyre redesigning the course content.There’s going to be new courses, one Application, one more new content (http://pauljackson51.■■■■■■■■■■/uploads/6/0/1/6/60160785/curriculum_review_new_hl_and_sl_april_2017.pdf) ← Look at pages 10-12.

Thanks for your help, though!

Hiya! There is an IB content redesign for the Group 5 subjects. The options are Applications SL/HL and Analysis SL/HL. Applications is focused on more practical aspects of mathematics (statistics, financial math, etc.) and the content at SL is similar to Math Studies. HL incorporates more statistics and probability. From what I know, the course has been made more rigorous than Studies. Analysis SL/HL roughly corresponds with the current Math SL/HL progression, with some differences.