IB predicted scores

So some universities don’t require me to send IB predicted scores but I was wondering if I should send them either way to give them more information or if I should only send these to the universities that require these scores.
My GPA is 85/100 unweighted. The scores are
History HL: 5
Business HL: 5
Spanis Literature HL: 5
Chem. SL : 4
French SL: 4
Mathematics SL: 4

My school doesn’t generally score higher than 4 on Chemistry, and math the average is 3 however my IB director isn’t willing to specify this because of the pride in the high school apparently… I’m applying to Purdue, Rensselaer, Fordham, Northeastern; Do you believe they’re too low?

I personally wouldn’t as those score (no offense) aren’t the best as they only total up to 27 points (not the best) but your higher level subject scores are pretty good as most colleges give credit for scores in the 5-7 range. The fact that people in your school don’t do very well on IB exams will most probably show up in your school’s profile so that shouldn’t hinder your chances too much. But I still think you should only send your scores to school that require them.

Perhaps ask your counselor what sort of predicted scores students from your school that were admitted to the colleges you’re interested in had. If yours are within range then send them in if you feel like your application is lacking in other areas, although I doubt those scores would strengthen your application.

Do note that if you’re applying from the US that most colleges don’t look into your predicted scores much as they’re only predictions. Your school grades will play a much greater role in admissions but if you’re applying from abroad they’re definitely going to take your predicted scores into consideration (as well as your school grades).