IB Scores!

<p>@IceQube: I hope you got through! I called several times and didn’t get a response either, so I emailed. I got a response back within a day.</p>

<p>My scores are pretty sad, but that’s okay! I’m just glad I got my diploma and IB’s bilingual certificate in Spanish (taking it with natives was such a blow to my ego). Congrats to everyone who made it through; we’re done! (:</p>

<p>Well I did WAY worse than I thought I would, but still got the diploma, haha. For upcoming candidates’ reference, I do believe the strictness of grading on your extended essay depends entirely upon what subject you enter it under.</p>

<p>HoA: 5
English: 5
Math S: 6
Spanish: 2
Psych: 5
Bio: 4
D/C on EE/PE</p>

<p>Thought I did way better on essentially everything but Spanish. :stuck_out_tongue: But oh well! Once you get the diploma, it doesn’t really matter.</p>



<p>I never got through, but it doesn’t matter, I found my login information (buried under 50 pounds of old homework). </p>

<p>IB Philosophy SL - 7. </p>

<p>Yay :D!!!</p>

<p>Well I got a 7 in Math Studies and a 5 in Philosophy. I’d of honestly thought they’d have been flipped.</p>

<p>HL English 5
HL History 5
HL Chem 4
SL Math 6
SL Spanish 6
SL Music 5

<p>SL Spanish - 5 (disappointing, seeing as I was hoping for a six. It was probably my oral that did me in on that count… it was dismal.)</p>

<p>SL Chem - 4 (my absolute worst subject, and words do not even describe how relieved I am that I decided against HL.)</p>

<p>I’m hoping for at least sixes in my exams next year (okay, maybe a five for SL Math…)!</p>

<p>My son got his Diploma. Yay!</p>

<p>11th grade: SL Physics 7
12th grade: SL Math 6
SL Spanish 6
HL History 5
HL English 5
HL Theatre 4
TOK/EE 1</p>

<p>6 on Math SL and 5 on ITGS SL. I was hoping for a 6 or 7 on ITGS, but maybe I’m close enough where I can ask for a remark?</p>

<p>7 in Econ SL.</p>

<p>No biggie.</p>