IB SL/HL Math Required?

Hey there! I’m currently a sophomore who took IB Pre-Calculus freshman year and was wondering whether to take AP Calculus AB or IB SL/HL Math. My current teacher recommended taking the IB SL Math class this coming school year, as she said it was required and would give an introductory view on both calculus and statistics. Though, my friend’s teacher said that it wasn’t required to take an IB Math class. Does anyone know whether it is required or not?

To receive the IB diploma, you have to take a math course. (source: http://www.ibo.org/programmes/diploma-programme/curriculum/mathematics/) I’m not sure about the IB certificate

However, if you don’t want to take SL or HL, you could take Math Studies, assuming your school offers/allows it.

IB precalc would be the first year in the two year IB SL progression at our school. The second year is pretty similar to AP Calc AB. It would seem that if you are at this point in the progression that IB HL would be a good path for you although I don’t believe you can sit for the exams until junior year.

I guess the question to ask is whether you did well in your class last year and if you enjoyed it. And what else are you interested in?

If you did well in Pre-Calc and are on a STEM path then take AP Calc BC sophomore year, Stats or Calc 3 Junior year, and HL Senior year.

If not then SL sounds like a good idea. You do need another IB math class for the diploma.

Our school only offers IB Math studies or IB Math SL.

D took Math studies and loved the class and did really well. It didn’t sound like it was crazy challenging. Her Dad who is an engineer says it is VERY useful math—more like the math he says he uses every day.

Because Math Studies is only a one year course, she had room in her schedule to take AP Calc BC her senior year and did just fine. She was accepted into engineering at every school where she applied. Also, she was SUPER excited her Math IA was already done—it’s a bit brutal.

There is no point in taking an IB class sophomore year, it won’t count. My sophomore also took precalc as a freshman. She will take:

9 - pre-calc
10- Calc AB
11- HL year 1
12 - HL year 2