IB student transferred in the 11th grade... PLEASE HELP


<p>I recently moved from FL, to Buffalo, NY. I am a junior in the IB Program, and I have always been a straight A student. At my last school, my ranking was probably in the top 10 students. However my school in FL was in a rough area, and outside of the IB Program it was a mess. I moved a week before school started, and my new school is in the suburbs of Buffalo. The environment is different, I wouldn't necessarily say that it is a world apart. However the first quarter is almost complete, and I have around 4 B's. I studied for my math test today and got a 61% on it so I am a little bummed out by that. My mom thinks I am having a mental block, where I feel inferior to the more well-to-do children in my classes. Any advice? Do you think I am worrying too much?</p>

<p>Hi megaguymontag,</p>

<p>Please do not feel inferior to anyone. You may not be doing as well as your peers as of now, but that doesnt mean you are inferior to them at all. Anyone can bounce back at anytime, never write yourself or anyone off.</p>

<p>The best way to get a good score on math is by doing as many problems as you can. Practice indeed makes perfect, specially in math. I personally used this website: <a href=“http://www.mechminds.ca”>www.mechminds.ca</a> to help me understand specific questions and it was very useful.</p>

<p>Again, keep yourself motivated and keep trying! :)</p>

<p>Hey! I can actually relate to you, I transferred schools in sophomore year…and my my I had a SUPER hard time adjusting as the IB in my old school was a joke. I had like 3 Ds and I told myself to pull it together and work hard…and I manage to bring them up to Cs later Bs throughout the year. I would tell you to not worry! Understand that the everything is different so it’ll take time. But don’t let that be the excuse forever. Talk to your teachers about how you can improve on tests and learning material. Make sure you keep reviewing material and study as much as possible. IB Junior is a killer, as I am a current Junior so I believe we can relate but you got this! </p>

<p>Like the previous person stated, keep yourself motivated and keep trying! It is not impossible :D</p>

<p>Thank you so much! I managed to make all A’s and one B. I am very grateful for the advice.</p>