
<p>I've heard people talking about iclickers. What are they and what would one need an iclicker for?</p>

<p>iClickers are the little remote looking devices you used the first day at SOAR when you separated from your parents and answered the survey questions.</p>

<p>I have heard of some Psych 202 professors requiring an iClicker but I’m unsure what the professor would have them use them for.</p>

<p>They are hand held remotes with a few lettered buttons on them. Some teachers will put a question on the overhead and the whole class responds using their clicker. The teacher can then pull up the results and see what percent answered for each choice.</p>

<p>My psych teacher used it as participation, if you clicked for one of his questions that day you got credit. I think they are kind of fun and a nice change of pace during a power lecture.</p>

<p>I think they are about $35. You register it online in order to associate it with you and with your class, so that the Professor can track if you are using it (participation credit). It can be reused for another class in a later semester or sold back to the bookstore (for less than what you paid, of course).</p>

<p>My D got a used one at the bookstore and it worked just fine.</p>